The application of payment of money by a debtor to his creditor, to one of several debts which are due from the former to the latter.
An authorization from a specific fund to a specific agency to make expenditures/incur obligations for a specified purpose and period of time. In California State Government, the Budget Act contains many appropriations, or items. These appropriation items are limited to one year, unless otherwise specified. Appropriations are made by the State Legislature in the annual Budget Act and in other legislation. Legislation can provide for continuing appropriations (which require no subsequent legislative action) and are also provided by the California Constitution.
The amount of funds authorized by Congress allowing federal agencies to make awards.
Authorization of funding expenditures from Congress.
The setting aside of public revenues for a specific use or program.
money used to pay for government-approved (authorized) expenditures.
Law that authorizes federal agencies to obligate funds and make payments from the treasury for specified purposes. Appropriations are in annual acts and permanent law. Go to our budget information Web page.
Authorization by the legislature to spend money from the state treasury for purposes established in law. (House Fiscal Analysis Department)
Allocation by law of state funds for various departments of government, state schools, and other specific uses. One of the prime responsibilities of the Legislature is this power to allocate, or appropriate, state moneys.
An authorization by the legislature for the expenditure of money for a public purpose. In most instances, money cannot be withdrawn from the state treasury except through a specific appropriation.
An authorization by the legislature to make expenditures or enter into an obligation for specific purposes. A general fund appropriation is backed with tax payer dollars. A non-general fund appropriation is dependent on institutional funds to support the expense.
The amount of money made available for expenditure by a specific entity for a specific purpose, from the General Fund or other designated state fund or account.
Funds allocated for various departments of government set aside by formal action for specific use. Allows money to be spent; is not actual expenditure record.
A legal authorization by the Legislature to make expenditures for specific purposes within the amounts authorized in the appropriations act.
A law passed by the Congress and signed by the President, which makes funds available for expenditures with specific limitations as to amount, purpose, and duration. In most cases, it permits money previously authorized to be obligated and payments to be made.
An Appropriation is a legislative authorization to make expenditures or incur liabilities for specific purposes. Appropriation occurs through Governor's approval of the Budget Bill and special bills. The appropriation defines the recipient, amount, purpose, and the time in which the expenditures must incur.
The vehicle by which Parliament approves expenditure of monies from the Consolidated Fund, as proposed in the Budget. Previously, appropriation was made directly to agencies as a limit on their cash expenditures. Under accrual output budgeting, appropriation becomes a revenue-based process whereby Parliament gives approval to the Treasurer to issue funds to agencies during the Budget year as the State's contribution to: the delivery of agreed outputs items administered on behalf of the whole-of-Government adjusting the Government's equity holding in that agency. The total State Contribution for each agency is known as the agency's Vote. diagrammatic representation of the Appropriation process is included in this guide.
A way for government agencies to make use of funds for specific purposes.It is authorized by Congress.
the setting aside of funds for a designated purpose (e.g., there is an appropriation of $7 billion to build 5 new submarines).
Level of funding determined by Congress.
An authorization granted by the Board of Legislators to make expenditures and to incur obligations for a specific project. Appropriations are limited in amount.
A sum of money designated for a particular purpose by an act. For example: an appropriations bill funds a state agency over the upcoming biennium.
The amount of funding Congress provides for a federal program to spend in a year.
The authorization by the Board of Supervisors to make expenditures and incur obligations for specific purposes.
A legislative authorization for an agency to make expenditures for specific purposes from designated resources available or estimated to be available during a specified time period.
Provides funds for an agency, department, or program for a given amount of time and for purposes specifically designated by Congress. Funds will not necessarily be spent as outlays in the year in which they are initially provided.
A legal authorization granted by the Legislative body (City Council) to make expenditures and incur obligations for specific purposes. Appropriations Ordinance - The formal budgetary document enacted by the legislative body which contains all approved appropriations for the fiscal year.
The authority or right to expend public funds. Several appropriations comprise a school budget and except in the Capital Projects Fund appropriations are valid one calendar year. An appropriation can be increased by an "additional appropriation".
money set aside (as by a legislature) for a specific purpose
a legal procedure by which the Council allows city funds to be spent on item
an act of congress providing an agency or program with a specified amount of budget authority
an act that permits obligations to be incurred and payments to be made by governmnetal units
an allocation of budgetary funds made by the governing boards for a specific purpose
an authorization approved by the State Legislature to expend money
an authorization for expenditure of funds for a specified purpose
an authorization to spend money and to incur obligations
a particular form of statutory authorisation by Parliament, which authorises the Crown (or an Office of Parliament) to incur public expenditure
a provision of the law authorizing the expenditure of funds for a given purpose
legal authorization given by the County Commission to make expenditures and incur obligations using county funds.
An authorization by the City Council to make expenditures and to incur obligations for a specific purpose. An appropriation is usually limited in amount and the time when it may be expended (i.e., fiscal year).
An amount of money set aside or earmarked for a particular purpose by a bill.
Legislation which establishes a federal activity. The legislation will set limits on the amount of money, which can be set aside for the activity.
An authorization made by the City Council which permits officials to incur encumbrances or obligations against and to make expenditures of City controlled governmental dollar resources. Appropriations are usually made for fixed dollar amounts and are typically granted for a one (1) fiscal year period.
Represents Parliamentary authority for the Treasurer to issue funds to agencies during a financial year for: delivery of agreed outputs administered items adjusting the Government's equity in agencies.
any authority granted by the Legislative Assembly to disburse money out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund. The appropriation will be provided in the Supply Act, the express provision of another Act, or by Special Warrant. 1.2.1
An amount of public moneys Parliament authorises for spending (that is, funds to be withdrawn from the Consolidated Revenue Fund). Not only does an appropriation authorise the Australian Government to withdraw moneys, but it also restricts the expenditure to the particular purpose specified by the appropriation.
An appropriation is the amount of public moneys authorised by Parliament for expenditure. Not only does an appropriation authorise the Commonwealth to withdraw moneys, but it also restricts the expenditure to the particular purpose specified by the appropriation.
Monies set aside by parliament for a particular purpose.
Statutory authorization to spend a specific amount of money for a stated purpose. Appropriations are often subdivided into allocations in the appropriations bill. Funds may not be spent without an appropriation made by law.
is each item of spending approved by the General Assembly and Governor.
An authorization by the Town Meeting to make expenditures and incur liabilities for specific purposes. An appropriation is usually limited in amont and as to the time when it may be expended.
An authorization granted by the constitution or the legislature to make expenditures or to incur obligations for a specific purpose. An appropriation is usually limited in amount and as to the time when it may be spent, normally calendar or fiscal year.
Sum of money from public funds set aside for a specific purpose.
Legislation that allocates budgeted funds from general revenues to programs that have been previously authorized by other legislation. The amount of money appropriated may be less than the amount authorized.
A legislative enactment authorizing the expenditure of public funds for a specific governmental purpose.
Monies considered and construed as constituting a credit in favor of the agency for the amount stated in the law making the appropriation, subject to the allotment as provided in Oregon Revised Statute 291.234.
a federal, state or local legislative enactment which allows government agencies to incur obligations to spend or lend money during specific time periods, usually a fiscal year. Congress may appropriate funds only on the basis of an existing authorization.
Amount approved for expenditure under an authorization bill
Funds allocated for various departments of government set aside for specific use by action of the General Assembly.
An act of Congress permitting Federal agencies to incur obligations for specified purposes, e.g., Foreign Assistance and Related Programs Appropriation Act, 1998.
A transfer of net income or equity to a special account or fund, generally to restrict its availability for distribution.
An amount of money designated for a particular purpose by an act.
A sum of money allocated by Parliament for a specific purpose outlined in the Government’s spending estimates.
Provision of law that provides authority for Federal agencies to obligate funds and to make payments out of the Treasury for specified purposes. Appropriations for the Federal government are provided both in annual appropriations acts and in permanent provisions of law.
Allotment of specific dollar amounts for specific programs or purposes.
A formal approval to draw funds from the United States Treasury for an authorized program or activity.
Legislation that provides funds for a specific purpose.
The amount of money made available for expenditure by a specific entity from a specific source such as the General Fund, Environmental License Plate Fund, etc., and for a specific purpose.
A parliamentary authorisation for the Crown or an Office of Parliament to incur expenses or capital expenditure.
The amount of money budgeted to pay for expenses.
A legislative authorization to make expenditures and incur obligations.
The step at which a legislative body and chief executive have agreed and signed into law an approval to spend public funds on specified programs and projects. Within the federal government, no funds may be spent unless their appropriation has been approved by Congress and signed into law by the President.
A legal authorization granted by the Board of County Commissioners to make expenditures and to incur obligations for specific purposes. An appropriation is usually limited in amount, and as to the time when it may be expended.
An authorization granted to incur liabilities for purposes specified.
money that has been set aside by formal action to pay some known or anticipated costs.
An appropriation is an approval given by Parliament for the Government (usually via a Minister) to incur an expense or to spend money for a specified purpose and up to a specified amount. The expenditure is incurred by a government department. The Crown cannot spend or incur an expense without an appropriation.- Which pot of money the funds come from.
Appropriation refers to the legal authority granted to the executive by the legislature to spend public funds. Appropriation legislation varies in terms of its detail — some provide funds for an entire department, while others provide funds for specific programs. Appropriations typically provide spending authority for a single fiscal year. However, permanent appropriations or standing appropriations provide spending authority over a series of years. Supplemental appropriations are sometimes granted subsequent to the annual appropriation law if the amounts provided in that appropriation prove to be insufficient to meet the intended purpose.
Authorization by act of Congress permitting Federal agencies to incur obligations and make payments out of the 'treasury for specific purposes.
An authorization to spend state or federal funds. Passing bills that authorize agencies to spend money for certain purposes appropriates money. Such bills must originate in the House of Representatives.
The authority provided by the Legislature to an agency to spend revenues derived from a variety of sources including the state General Fund. Actual cash available in the respective funds also limits spending.
Public funds set aside by Congress for a specific purpose.
An authorisation by Parliament to spend moneys from the Consolidated Revenue Fund.
The amount of money set aside for a specific propose and designated from a specific source such as the General Fund, Environmental License Plate Fund, etc.
An authorization by an act of Congress that permits Federal agencies to incur obligations and make payments from the Treasury. An appropriation usually follows enactment of authorizing legislation. An appropriation act is the most common means of providing budget authority (see Budget Authority (BA)). Appropriations do not represent cash actually set aside in the Treasury; they represent limitations of amounts which agencies may obligate during a specified time period.
Legislation to provide specific funding for an authorized program.
A legal authorization granted by a legislative body to make expenditures and to incur obligations for specific purposes. An appropriation is usually limited in amount and the time frame it may be used.
A state appropriation is legislative authorization to incur expenditures for specific purposes and limited as to time and amount from designated resources. All other appropriations are categorizations for internal funds management. Appropriation is indicated by a two-digit numeric code appended to fund.
The budget as approved by the legislature for a line item of spending. The budget law gives the executive branch the authority to incur obligations, which become due during the budget year up to a specified amount for specified purposes within a financial period (usually one fiscal year).
The allocation of resources for a special purpose. In accounting it refers to the Profit and Loss Appropriation Account, which specifies how profits are to be apportioned.
A federal budgetary term that refers to an act of Congress that permits federal agencies to incur obligations and make payments out of the Treasury for specified purposes. An appropriation act is the most common means of providing budget authority, but in some cases the authorization legislation itself provides the budget authority.
A legal authorization approved by the County Board to expend or obligate a specific level of funds for an approved program. The County Board appropriates funds for programs by department or agency, and the County Manager has the authority to approve transfer of funds within a department or agency. The County Board sets an initial appropriation for each fiscal year and then may amend that appropriation during the course of the fiscal year, as it deems necessary.
An appropriation is the account code which the order will be billed against. When money is appropriated the money is set aside for a specific departments use. The money would be appropriated.
Funds voted by the state legislature for use by the University of Washington. Generally, a lump sum spending authorization for specific purposes and for use during a specified time period.
An appropriation is an act of Congress that enables federal agencies to spend money for specific purposes. It's an action of a legislative body that makes funds available for expenditure with specific limitations as to amount, purpose, and duration. For the highway program operating under contract authority, appropriations specify amounts of funds that Congress will make available to liquidate prior obligations.
A form of federal budget authority that permits obligations to be incurred and payments to be made.
A formal approval to draw funds from the Treasury for specific purposes.
Legislation requiring the Governor's approval authorizing an agency, department, board, commission or institution to spend a specified amount of money for a stated purpose or purposes during a particular period of time, usually one fiscal year.
The lawful authority established for state expenditure for a specific purpose and within a specified amount.
A sum of money authorized by a legislative body to be spent for a certain purpose.
public funds authorized for a specific purpose
Legislative authority for expenditure of state money for a specific purpose by the various departments of state government.
Legislative authority forexpenditure of state money for a specificpurpose by the various departments of stategovernment.
An amount allocated for expenditure. A sum budgeted for a department, unit or activity to identify a limit on the amount that can be expended under a particular account fund/sub budget.
Funds set aside by formal legislative action for a specific use (see also Budget Act).
An authorization granted by the City Council to make expenditures and to incur obligations for purposes specified in the Appropriation Ordinance. An appropriation is usually for a fixed amount and time limited, and must be expended before the deadline.
Money set aside by formal action for a specific use.
One of the basic forms of Budget Authority. Statutory authority that allows federal agencies to incur Obligations and to make payments out of the Treasury for specified purposes. An appropriation act is the most common means of providing budget authority, but in some cases the authorizing legislation itself provides the budget authority. (OMB Circular A-34, Part II, Section 21.1 (Budget Authority, p. II-3) HUDCAPS Core Financial System Standard Accounting Interface, dated 9/30/97
Parliament's allocation of money to a programme, which may be a specific or general allocation.
The amount of money that must be budgeted to pay for the activity or program described in the bill. A bill with an appropriation must be reviewed by the Appropriations Committee in the House and the Ways and Means Committee in the Senate, as well as by the policy committee according to subject matter.
Money voted by Parliament to fund the operations of a government department or agency.
A legislative authorization to spend funds from the General Fund for a specific purpose. (See "ALLOCATION.")
Appropriation is the way a taxing body authorizes the expenditure of funds and provides for the sources of funding. Appropriation generally involves the adoption of an ordinance or the passage of a law that states the specific terms of the proposed taxation.
Source: Office of Management and Budget Definition: An appropriation provides legal authority for federal agencies to incur obligations and to make payments out of the Treasury for specified purposes. Thirteen regular appropriations bills are considered every year by the Congress and supplemental appropriations are considered from time to time. Source: Citizen's Guide to the Federal Budget Definition: An appropriation is an act of Congress that enables Federal agencies to spend money for specific purposes.
In municipal leasing, the inclusion of the scheduled lease payments in the municipalities' (or other political subdivision's) budget for the next budget cycle.