Definitions for "appropriation"
1. In government spending, appropriation refers to the authorization of a government...
The act of setting apart or assigning to a particular use or person, or of taking to one's self, in exclusion of all others; application to a special use or purpose, as of a piece of ground for a park, or of money to carry out some object.
Anything, especially money, thus set apart.
Placement of a specified portion of the waters of the state to a beneficial use pursuant to the procedures prescribed by law. Speculation is prohibited. The appropriator must have its own use for the water or have a contract to serve the customers that the water will benefit. Only previously unappropriated surface or tributary groundwater water can be appropriated. The appropriator must have a plan to divert, store, or otherwise capture, possess, and control the water for beneficial use.
The right of a non-riparian owner to take, impound or divert water from a public waterway for some beneficial use personal and exclusive to the appropriator, the right of which is granted them by the government.
Under Kansas Law, this is the right to use water for a beneficial use or the acquisition of such a right gained through the process of diverting water and putting it to a beneficial use.
(1) The first step in the act of theft e.g. "A person is guilty of theft if he dishonestly appropriates property belonging to another with the intention of permanently depriving the other of it;" 1968 Theft Act(2) an act of cultural practice, e.g. "Everyday life invents itself by poaching in countless ways on the propoerty of others," Michel de Certeau, The Practice Of Everyday Life, (1984)
The process by which often innovative or resistant cultural forms are taken up, incorporated, and commodified by the culture industry. One of the most frequently cited examples is that of punk, which, though it developed as a dissident movement in working-class England, was quickly marketed by major fashion designers, music labels, and other producers of mass youth culture. In analysis of popular cultural forms, appropriation is often viewed pessimistically as evidence of the power of late capitalism to absorb dissent into itself and turn it around for a profit; however, it is important to remember that resistance continues to circulate and change in form, even as its products are co-opted by a dominant culture.
Term used to describe an artist’s practice of borrowing from an external source for a new work of art. While in previous centuries artists often copied one another’s figures, motifs, or compositions, in modern times the sources for appropriation extend from material culture to wholesale lifting of others’ works of art.
Appropriation in sociology is, according to James J. Sosnoski, "the assimilation of concepts into a governing framework...[the] arrogation, confiscation, [or] seizure of concepts." According to Tracy B Strong it contains the Latin root proprius, which, "carries the connotations not only of property, but also of proper, stable, assured and indeed of common or ordinary."
The conversion of the right of presentation to a rectory into possession of that rectory, usually by a religious house or collegiate church. (Heath, Peter. Church and Realm, 1272-1461, 359)
The severing or sequestering of a benefice to the perpetual use of a spiritual corporation. Blackstone.
a deliberate act of acquisition
The act of borrowing imagery or forms to create something new.
In law and government, appropriation (from Latin appropriare, "to set aside") is the act of setting apart something for its application to a particular usage, to the exclusion of all other uses.
Inserting images or objects from one context to another. Although the image does not change, the meaning is altered by the combination of other appropriated images, or by the change in title or medium.
Activity that involves the use of the name or picture of another person in an advertisement, poster, public relations promotion or other commercial context without consent.
The transfer of an asset (instead of its sale proceeds) on account of a legacy or share of residue
taking or copying images or ideas, generally to make new works or to present the images or ideas as one's own and usually without permission from the original work's creator
Keywords:  artwork, pre, existing, images, new
The use of pre-existing images to create a new artwork.
The amount of a corporation's retained earnings that has been restricted and therefore is not available for distribution to shareholders as dividends.
incorporation by joining or uniting
Keywords:  creation, music, elements, piece, new
In music, appropriation is the use of borrowed elements in the creation of a new piece.
Keywords:  ownership