Definitions for "Instructional objectives"
The learner will: 4.01 define data. 4.02 collect a set of data from a simple experiment. 4.03 plot the data collected on a graph. 4.04 draw a conclusion based on the data.
The learner will: 1.01 define these terms: force, work, machine, simple machine, compound machine. 1.02 explain how machines help you do work. 1.03 identify the six types of simple machines, explain how each help you do work, and give examples of each. 1.04 explain how compound machines are made up of more than one simple machine. 1.05 construct and/or use a simple inclined plane, a screw, a wedge, pulleys (fixed and moveable), lever, and wheel and axle.
the learner will: 2.01 recognize the importance of cell division to organisms. 2.02 compare cell division in prokaryotic and eucaryotic cell. 2.03 identify the stages of mitosis. 2.04 recognize meiosis in reproductive calls.
Keywords:  iep, goals, achieve, steps, taken
in an IEP, the measurable steps to be taken to achieve the annual goals
More detailed expressions of educational objectives (see Educational objective).