(Greek mythology) a beautiful young man who fell in love with his own reflection
A defect in infrared systems that appears as a dark circular area on a displayed image, caused by radiation reflecting into a detector. It can be reduced by low-reflective coatings or by altering the lens surface. Learn more about Narcissus...
a beautiful young man from Greek mythology, who fell in love with his reflection in a pond and drowned trying to embrace it. From this myth, the word narcissist evolved for “someone in love with themselves.” [ Small Concert
In Greek mythology, Narcissus or Narkissos (Greek: ÎάÏκισσος), was a hero of the territory of Thespiae in Boeotia who was renowned for his beauty. Several versions of his myth have survived: Ovid's, from his Metamorphoses; Pausanias', from his Guide to Greece, (9.31.7); and one found among the Oxyrhynchus papyri.
Narcissus was a Roman athlete and wrestler from the 2nd century AD. He was employed by emperor Commodus as his wrestling partner and personal trainer in order to train him for his appearances in the Colosseum as a gladiator. In the year 192 AD he was recruited by several senators, led by Praetorian prefect Quintus Aemilius Laetus, to assassinate the emperor.
Narcissus is an open source Java Script engine. It was written by Brendan Eich, who also wrote the first JavaScript engine, Spider Monkey. Its name is based on the mythical figure of Narcissus, who fell in love with himself.