Gossip aims at making instant messaging as easy as possible, while giving users of the GNOME desktop a user-friendly way of keeping in touch with their friends.
This word, derived from gossipry (q.v.), originally meant the conversation of close friends. It developed its negative connotations during the middle of the 19th century, just as romantic friendship was beginning to come under siege.
Gossip is an instant messaging client for the GNOME desktop environment. Layered on the free and open Jabber protocol, it sports a sleek interface, designed to be user friendly by adhering to GNOME's published human interface guidelines.
Gossip is a 2000 American drama/mystery/thriller film. It was directed by Davis Guggenheim and written by Gregory Poirier (sceenplay and story) and Theresa Rebeck (screenplay).
Gossip is a 2000 Swedish comedy/drama film. It was directed and written by Colin Nutley.
Gossip is tantamount to the civil law of public disclosure of private facts without the permission of the subject of the facts. A gossip betrays a confidence; so avoid a man who talks too much (Proverbs 20:19).
Gossip consists of casual or idle talk of any sort, sometimes (but not always) slanderous and/or devoted to discussing others. Compare http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Special:Search/backbiting backbiting.
Gossip was an experimental game created for the Atari 400 by Chris Crawford. Crawford wished for games that would simulate aspects of human social interaction, thus creating games with “social challenges†that would broaden the universe of computer and video game genres. He hoped people-games would also appeal to different audiences from the then-prevalent combat-based and sports games.