noun The junction of two banks, transitions, or angled riding surfaces which meet at an angle, usually anywhere from slight (300 degrees) to right (90 degrees). These angles are ridden, grinded, and flown over.
The line formed at the intersection of two adjacent sloping planes of a steel building roof.
The external angle formed by the juncture of two slopes of a roof.
The external edge at the junction between two roof surfaces.
A sloping join between adjacent sides of a roof.
Line of adjoining sections of pitched roof at external angle of building
The line of intersection of two sloping roof planes with walls that are not parallel to each other.
The external angle at the junction of two sides of a roof whose supporting walls adjoin.
Roof consisting of four sloping planes meeting at a ridge.
The hip is a member in the roof that zips up where tow different planes meet. It runs from the external top corner of the building to the apex of the roof usually at 45 degrees on angle. The term "hipped roof" refers to the fact that the roof is identifiable because of its pyramid like shape. This shape is completely different to the shape of gable-ended roof.
The place at which the top chord meets the batter brace.
The external angle formed by the meeting of two sloping sides of a roof.
The diagonal intersection of planes in a hip roof.
Intersection of two roof surfaces over an external corner of a building.
A roof which rises by inclined planes from two or more sides of the building.
The sharp edge of a roof from ridge to eaves where the two sides meet.
The convex angle at the exterior meeting of the sides of a hip roof.
The external junction between two intersecting roof slopes.
The inclined external angle formed by the intersection of two sloping roof planes. Runs from the ridge to the eaves.
Roof: a roof with four unequal sides
a roof with ends as well as sides inclined such as on the Bellevue tower.
The line formed where two adjacent sloping planes of a roof meet.
the convex sloping intersection of two roof sections. The opposite of a "valley".
The sloping ridge of a roof formed by two intersecting roof slopes.
A four sided roof where the sides slope towards a common ridge. A hip is the angle created where two sides meet.
the inclined external angle formed by the intersection of two sloping roof planes. (See Figure 16.)