Easy, low memory viewing file
Product description file. A text file that specifies the execution environment for your product.
An Adobe document format that is based on its PostScript page description language, with some major changes. PostScript allows operators to describe a page layout independent of computer platform, device and resolution. PDF has substantially all of PostScript's cross-platform graphic capabilities, but treats each element in a job as a separate object. Modification and proofing of print publication data can be done more easily with PDF than with PostScript. Raster image processor outputs can easily be generated one page at a time via PDF conversions to PostScript. In addition, PDF is emerging as a de facto industry standard for a wide range of context-sensitive document management and electronic-form applications. PDF files must be viewed through Adobe Acrobat installed on a client device.
The file extension ".pdf" indicates files saved in ' ortable ocument ormat'. These files enable document authors to produce electronic versions of formatted documents so that they appear on the recipient's monitor or printer as they were intended. To view a file in PDF format, Adobe Reader (external link) , a free application distributed by Adobe, is required.
A PDF file preserves the look of a document. It is commonly used to make available publications on the Web. A free Acrobat Reader is needed on a computer before PDF files are readable. The Reader can be downloaded from the Adobe Corporation web site at www.adobe.com.
ortable ocument ormat. A special document format created by Adobe Systems, Inc. This file requires a special program called Adobe Acrobat which is available for free from Adobe's web site. Many companies like using this format to preserve special formatting and high quality images not available in standard HTML format. Table of Contents
ortable ocument ormat. A file format developed by Adobe Systems, that is used to capture almost any kind of document with the formatting as in the original. Viewing a PDF file requires a reader such as Acrobat Reader, XPDF or Preview. Acrobat Reader is built into most browsers and can be downloaded freely from Adobe.
(PortableDocumentFormat) is a file format that has captured all the elements of a printed document as an electronic image that you can view, navigate, print, or forward to someone else. PDF files are created using Adobe Acrobat (NOT the free reader), Acrobat Capture, or similar products. To view and use the files, you need the free Acrobat Reader, which you can easily download. Once you've downloaded the Reader, it will start automatically whenever you want to look at a PDF file. PDF files are especially useful for documents such as magazine articles, product brochures, or flyers in which you want to preserve the original graphic appearance online. A PDF file contains one or more page images, each of which you can zoom in on or out from. You can page forward and backward.
An Adobe Acrobat computer file format, often used for desktop printing or on-screen viewing.
An Acrobat file. It is "portable" because it is cross-platform and can be read regardless of what software was used to create the original file or what other software you have loaded on your computer besides Acrobat Reader.
A file type containing embedded information. Created by Adobe, PDF is ideal for portability and screen viewing because pages display the same way that they were created
A file format created with Adobe Acrobat which ensures that the document looks the same on any computer equipped with a free Acrobat reader. Created by Adobe Systems.
Portable Network Format - a file format developed by Adobe Systems and used for capturing formatted page layouts for distribution. PDF documents, when viewed with the required Adobe Acrobat Reader, will appear exactly as they were intended.
A protocol developed by Adobe Systems for sending and viewing documents via email or the Internet. If you don't have the Adobe Acrobat application on your computer, you can download it free of charge.
pdf is a filename extension just like .doc and .htm are for Word documents and Internet documents, respectively. A .pdf extension denotes that the document in question is an Adobe Acrobat document, which is easily read via the Adobe Acrobat software - free software available for safe and easy download here.
Format used to easily deliver documents over the internet. Users must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed in order to view a PDF file.
Adobe's special format for documentation, Better quality then a normal text file, still it has a low file size, readable only by Acrobat Reader and Corel Draw.
This file format is oftem used for downloading Government Forms or Prospectuses, where retaining the original layout is important. PDF format files may require installation of the Adobe Acrobat Reader before they can be viewed through your browser.
A file format that captures all the elements of a printed document as an electronic document that can be viewed, navigated, printed or forwarded to others. They are created using Adobe Acrobat, or similar products. To view and use the files, a user must download the free Acrobat Reader, and the Reader will start automatically whenever a PDF file is opened.
Proprietary image file format developed by Adobe Systems Inc.
The most common format in which files are saved for downloading from the web. It preserves all of the formatting of printed documents and can be viewed with Acrobat Reader, which is free to download.
(Printable Document Format) A type of file (usually with the extension .pdf) that has become a standard on the web for distributing documents. Documents can contain extensive formatting and images all in one compressed file. Adobe Acrobat reader is required, available for most platforms, and is free to download and use.
An electronic document format developed by Adobe® that allows the distribution and viewing of digital files as originally designed and formatted by the author without the viewing computer having the same software application or fonts.
A file format created by Adobe Systems that allows electronic documents to look exactly like the original pages of the document. Allows documents to be shared regardless of the software platform, the original application, or the availability of specific fonts using free Adobe Reader software.
A file format created by Adobe, initially to provide a standard form for storing and editing printed publishable documents. Because documents in .pdf format can easily be seen and printed by users on a variety of computer and platform types, they are very common on the World Wide Web. To view files of this type, download the Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is available free from Adobe's Web site.
portable data file. PDF can encode as many as 2725 data characters in a single bar code.
a type of file developed by the Adobe company. It preserves all fonts, graphics, etc. in a document and allows it to be printed and viewed in a format virtually identical to the original.
A common digital file format used to provide an unalterable electronic document replicate.
a file created by Adobe Acrobat that can be opened, viewed, and printed on any computer using the Acrobat Reader program
A type of computer file that displays an image of the printed page.
A file format designed to capture formatting information from a variety of desktop publishing applications, such as Microsoft Word, making it possible to send formatted documents that retain their appearance on the recipient's monitor or printer. To view a PDF file, you need Adobe Reader, a free application distributed by Adobe Systems.
package definition file. Used by Systems Management Server to distribute applications to selected clients.
The copyrighted creation of Adobe Systems, it is a universal file format across multiple computer platforms.
A file format developed by Adobe Systems, that is used to capture almost any kind of document with the formatting, fonts, images, and layout of the original. Viewing a PDF file requires Acrobat Reader, which is built into most browsers and can be downloaded free from Adobe.
An electronic file format that captures the desired look and feel of your article. This format contains critical font and presentation parameters that are required to make printing plates for traditional reprints. It is a popular format for providing proofs to buyers and for e-prints. E-print buyers are prohibited from using a PDF to make plates for printing a reprint.
Developed by Adobe, PDF is a file format that allows a document to be viewed on your screen in the same format as it would appear in print.
Type of file that takes large documents and represents them graphically. They are produced by using special software called Adobe Acrobat. The software can be purchased either from the Internet or at a High Street Computer shop. To view the pdf you need Acrobat Reader - it is available as a free download from Adobe. PDF's have become the standard for publishing documents on the web.
A useful method of ensuring that a document prints well from any kind of computer. A PDF file will always have a filename ending in .pdf
This is a document standard devised by AdobeTM
Document that can be shared, viewed, and printed on any system regardless of the operating system, original application, or fonts, using free Adobe Reader® software.
The native file format for Adobe Systems' Acrobat. PDF documents can be viewed with free reader software, available from Adobe. PDF documents are easily shared with people using a wide variety of computers.
Stands for " ortable ocument ile. This file format is the most common way full-text articles are provided. You must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer to view PDFs.
A file format that reproduces documents in an electronicform so that they can be sent, viewed, and printed exactly as they originally appeared,regardless of the computer they were created on. The Adobe Acrobat reader plug-in programcan be used to open PDF files. You can tell a file is a PDF file by the extension (.pdf)on the end of a filename.
Document created to be read using Adobe Acrobat Reader. Common format as reader is freely available and file sizes are low.
Portable Digital File. For Adobe Acrobat reader.
A file format created in a software program called Adobe Acrobat. You need the free Acrobat Reader to view the file. Some companies turn their paper brochures into PDFs so that you can download them from web sites. A PDF looks like the original paper brochure but can be viewed on screen.
Refers to Adobe Acrobat files. These files are cross-platform (Windows and Mac) and are useful for electronic publishing.
An increasingly popular software by Adobe which allows previewing documents, especially creative layouts, across various computer platforms.
PDF is a file format accessible via software to allow users with different operating systems to view the same information. PDF files are created using Adobe Acrobat.
A document format from Adobe, whereby you can create a document using your favorite applications, graphics, and fonts. This document can then be sent to any user (or put on a web page), and viewed with Adobe's Acrobat software. The document will look as it did when you created it, even though the user doesn't have the specific fonts, graphics or applications on their computer.
A proprietary document format developed by Adobe. PDF files allow much more control over document appearance than HTML documents and usually print better than HTML documents, but they are larger and take longer to download. They also require separate software, Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is free to download and easy to configure for use with a web browser.
pitch PortIO profiler Please email your feedback for publication, errors, omissions, broken/redirected link reports and suggestions to improve this page to Roedy Green : anadian ind roducts!-- google_ad_client="pub-3625079171090429"; google_ad_width=468; google_ad_height=60; google_ad_format="468x60_as"; google_ad_type = "text_image"; google_ad_channel=""; google_color_border = "336699"; google_color_bg = "FFFFFF"; google_color_link = "0000FF"; google_color_url = "008000"; google_color_text = "000000"; //-- mindprod.com IP:[
Portable Document Format; a document-encoding process developed by Adobe that maintains page layout, fonts, and graphics and can include many other features such as hyperlinks.
Portable Document Format. A file format developed by Adobe Systems that lets users send and receive files that will appear on-screen or be printed as they were originally intended. Users must have the Acrobat Reader to view .PDF files.
Portable Document Format. Another way of formatting documents, but this one isnot related to any operating system (Windows, Mac, Unix).
PDF stands for Portable Document Format. PDF files typically contain more formatting (charts, maps, etc.) than is possible in ordinary Web pages. To read PDF files, you need Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Portable Document Format Patent owned by Adobe
( ortable ocument ormat) PDF is the file format for representing documents in a manner that is independent of the original application software, hardware, and operating system used to create those documents. Because a PDF file can depict documents containing any combination of text, graphics, and images in a exactly the same format on every computer, every user sees exactly the same file regardless of whether it appears on a PC, a Mac, Windows 95, Windows XP, Mac OS 9, Mac OS X, Unix, etc. However, to view or print a PDF, Adobe Reader must be installed on the user's computer. Adobe Reader is free; see http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html for details.
This acronym stands for Portable Document Format, a type of file used by Adobe Acrobat. Many full-text online journal articles are in this format; in order to open them, you will need the Adobe software on your computer. All public computers in U of T libraries already have this software.
Documents viewed and created by Adobe's Acrobat Reader to standardize Internet-based documents.
ortable ocument ormat - a GREAT tool invented by Adobe Systems that allows documents to be viewed (and look identical) on different computer platforms (PC, Mac, Linux). You need Adobe Acrobat Viewer to look at and print them but that part is free
Adobe's Portable Document Format [1.2] PDFs may be added as Assets, or generated by XMAPs and Usecases. [1.4] PDFs may be Assets, or generated by Modules. A Module may transform a Document (or multiple Documents and possibly Assets) into a PDF. The result could be saved in Lenya as an Asset, but performance could be improved without creating another static resource by saving the results in the non-functional cache. The URL of the PDF would be the URL of the PDF-creating Module and any parameters it requires to create the specific PDF. Implementation: If a PDF is uploaded, then it is an Asset. Publication/Content/Asset[type="PDF"] If the PDF is dynamically generated, then it is accessed though a Module: http://lenyaServer/myPub/PDFModule/someParameters The parameter(s) could be: - a single Document identifier that is transformed to PDF using XSL. - several resources (Document and Assets) sequentially added to PDF. - a key identifying a configuration document. - anything else imaginable.
A universal electronic format which can be read on any computer by using a software program called Adobe Acrobat Reader. PDF files look exactly like the original document, containing all the formatting, tables, illustrations, and graphics, but are more compact and can be read by any computer using Acrobat Reader.
Portable Document Format. A format for publishing documents in such a way that they can be viewed and printed on multiple platforms using the freely available Adobe Acrobat reader.
Portable Document Format. A method for distributing formatted documents over the Internet.
Portable document format. A derivative of PostScript, also able to store both vector and bitmap data. Whilst this format can be used for encoding individual images, it is more often used to store documents in a 'print on screen' format that can be viewed with Adobe's free Acrobat reader software on a wide range of computer operating systems. PC suffix .pdf
Stands for "Portable Document Format." PDF is a multi-platform file format ...
Pdf is short for "Portable Document Format", which is a file format for electronic documents. So if you see a file called "Annual-Report.pdf" the chances are it will be an electronic version of an annual report! To read pdf documents you need to have Adobe software on your computer, but this can be freely downloaded from the Web and you may have it on your machine already. Pdf documents have the advantage that they always appear with the same format, look and feel, whatever the equipment people use to view them. Because of this, they are often used by publishers who want some control over how their publications will appear to people who see them (contrast this with the Web, where the look and feel of a Web page usually depends on how you have your computer set up - in other words, the same Web page can look very different from different computers)
(Portable Document Format) -- The Adobe Acrobat standard to display any sort of document on any computer. The Adobe Acrobat Reader software is required to view the documents; it’s freeware available at http://www.adobe.com
file format developed by Adobe Systems that is used to capture and deliver almost any kind of document, without changing the format or recreating the document in other applications. Usually used for long formats. Viewing a PDF file requires Acrobat Reader, which is built into most browsers and can be downloaded free from Adobe.
The Portable Document Format is a format for storing all manners of documents. PDF documents can contain sounds and animations in addition to simple images and are binary in nature. PDFs are also fully capable of containing hypertext, but unlike HTML will guarantee proper printout. It is a product of Adobe and free PDF interpreters are available for most machine types.
(Portable Document Format) is an Adobe file format which allows easy transfer of high resolution files with consistent components on different machines.
PORTABLE DOCUMENT FORMAT. A file format created by Adobe Systems to transfer computer documents from one computer to another without type or graphics problems. Pages are laid out using a conventional page layout program, and then converted to PDF files. The resulting PDF files can be printed, viewed on the World Wide Web, and transferred from computer to computer, even across PLATFORMS and regardless of whether the proper fonts are installed on all the computers.
(Portable Document Format) Developed by Adobe, it is built into most browsers allowing you to send formatted documents that will stay formatted regardless of what browser users are using. Download Adobe Acrobat Reader, which allows you to read PDF files, for free.
Portable Document Format. This Adobe technology is a popular way of formatting documents in such a way that they can be viewed and printed on multiple platforms using the freely available Adobe Acrobat reader.
Acronym for Portable Document Format. *.PDF, this is an Adobe proprietary file extension for an Adobe document or image.
The Portable Document File was developed by Adobe Systems. This file format enables documents to leave the desk of their creator and arrive on the recipients computer with exactly the same layout. To view the PDF, you need to download a free application from Adobe Systems, Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Portable Document File. A type of computer file used to store and display documents. Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on computer.
ortable ocument ormat. A widely used document format promoted by Adobe.
Portable Document Format, 4-64 bit depth. Uncompressed. Used mainly to image documents for delivery. Need plug-in or adobe application to view. Adobe's Portable Document Format, the term Adobe uses to describe Acrobat files. See also Acrobat.
Stands for ortable ocument ormat. Created by Adobe Systems in its software program Adobe Acrobat as a universal browser. Files can be downloaded via the web and viewed page by page, provided the user is computer has installed the necessary PDF plug-in, available on www.adobe.com. PHP Abbreviation for ypertext re- rocessor. PHP pages run on apache web servers and are popular for open-source programs because of its database capabilities, extensibility, and ease of use. Palette Set of colors used to render a document. The web safe color palette consists of 216 colors. Most modern computer screens can display a 24-bit color depth, or about 16.7 million colors. Pixel pixel (short for pic ture el ement, using the common abbreviation "pix" for "picture") is one of the many tiny dots that make up the representation of a picture in a computer's memory. The standard screen resolution is 72 dots (or pixels) per square inch.
PDF files are files that are created by Acrobat software and are compact and easily transmitted over the internet. You usually have an Acrobat Reader (software) on your computer that can open and display these documents
(Portable Document Format) A popular way of formatting documents so they can be viewed and printed on multiple platforms the way you intended. You use Adobe Acrobat Reader to view a PDF.
A standard format for electronic documentation distribution that captures the formatting or look of a document but results a file that is independent of the program in which the original document was created. A proprietary format of Adobe, these files are viewable via the free Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Stands for 'Portable Document Format'. A document that's formatted in PDF is viewable by anyone who downloads the free Adobe Acrobat Reader. Many online documents are published in PDF format.
File extension that indicates Portable Document Format, a proprietary format used by the Adobe Acrobat system. These documents can be read cross-platform. [See Acrobat
Portable Document Format. Platform-independent file format, created by Adobe, that enables offline reading of brochures, reports, and other documents with complex graphics. By downloading a .pdf file, the user is provided with the entire document in a single file.
Portable Document Format; an electronic format developed by Adobe Systems Inc. that retains the fonts and layout of a hard-copy document, independent of computer platform.
Acronym for Portable Document Format, an electronic file format designed to be readable by different operating systems. A PDF document can be created with Adobe Acrobat software and viewed with the free Adobe Acrobat Reader.
This stands for Portable Document Format. It was invented by Adobe, and it is now a standard used around the world. It is a secure form of your document, and it is how your final book file will be submitted for printing. It is also our preferred tool for editing and proofreading. Adobe offers a free reader to use for viewing PDFs.
Portable Document Format. Universal format by which files can be read using the Acrobat Reader software.
( Portable Document Format) PDF is a file type created by Adobe Systems, Inc. that allows fully formatted, high-resolution, PostScript documents to be easily transmitted across the Internet and viewed on any computer that has Adobe Acrobat Reader software (a proprietary viewer is available for free at the Adobe site).
Portable Document Format. An electronic document that must be read with the Adobe Acrobat computer program.
(Portable Document Format) Preferred file format for digital ad files.
Short for Portable Document Format, a pdf is used to display a document as it is intended to be displayed, as it will look the same regardless of the type of computer it is displayed on.
Portable Document Format. a file format that can be read by all computer platforms but retains the original document's formatting. This type of file is generated by Adobe Acrobat software and can be viewed freely by using the Acrobat reader.
stands for Portable Document File. This document displays in its proper format no matter which operating system you use. You can read PDF using Adobe Acrobat Reader. This is free software and you can download it at http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep.html PHP: stands for hypertext preprocessor. It is a script language.
Portable Document Format. Adobe Acrobat format for documents, requires the free Adobe Acrobat reader.
a file format developed by Adobe Corporation used to capture any document with the formatting appearing in the original regardless of what operating system is used while viewing it. Therefore, a PDF document should look the same on Windows, Macintosh, Linux, OS/2, etc. This format is based on the widely used Postcript document-description language.
Refers to Portable Document File, the format that allows for viewing of files across various computer platforms regardless of the fonts or software programs used to create the original.
Portable Document Format. n. A standard specified by Adobe Systems, Incorporated, for the electronic distribution of documents. PDF files are compact; can be distributed globally via e-mail, the Web, intranets, or CD-ROM; and can be viewed with the Acrobat Reader, which is software from Adobe Systems that can be downloaded at no cost from the Adobe Systems home page.
Portable Document Format. An electronic file format created by Adobe Acrobat that works under Macintosh, Windows, UNIX and DOS systems equipped with the Acrobat Reader software (widely available at no cost). Designed for electronic publishing, Adobe Acrobat lets a user create PDF "snapshots" of an electronic document that can then be viewed on screen or printed.
Portable Document Format. A file format developed by Adobe to enable the document to be transported across platforms while maintaining its original format.
Stands for "portable document format." A document converted to PDF file format can be delivered with complete visual fidelity to a wide variety of devices and platforms and can be printed, received as an email attachment, downloaded from a server or even viewed on a mobile device. It has become a worldwide standard for reliable electronic document distribution and storage. PDF is a technology of Adobe Systems.
"Portable Document Format"; a computer file format originally developed by Adobe Systems which allows for the capture of formatting information that preserves the intended layout and design of the original author.
portable document format. A file format that was developed by Adobe Systems for their Acrobat product line. A PDF file can be viewed and printed with a viewer that Adobe provides free of charge. This makes it possible to create files that can be read by a wide number of computer users on different computer platforms. Acrobat PDF will very likely play an important role in print on demand. Adobe has announced a RIP architecture that will use the page independence of PDF to accelerate RIPping and to ease processing of individual pages.
Portable Document Format (Requires use of Adobe Acrobat Reader) Common format used to share documents over the Internet.
Portable document file. Used on the Internet for downloading sensitive materials locally in a file format that cannot be manipulated, only read. Ideal for pricelists or brochures. Requires a plugin to allow files to be read.
Portable document file. Fonts and images can be embedded, making the easy to move from designer to printer when made at press quality settings regardless of format differences.
Portable Document Format file type developed by Adobe systems. These files have the file extension pdf.
(Portable document format) A file format that has captured all the elements of a printed document as an electronic image that you can view, navigate, print, or forward to someone else. This format looks like a copy of an article or the replica of its image. Adobe Acrobat can be used to view PDFs and can be downloaded for free. eer Review: Peer review is a process used for checking the work performed by one's equals (peers) to ensure it meets specific criteria. Scholarly journals typically use the peer review process. This is also known as the referee process. Many journals are "peer reviewed" or "refereed."
Portable Document Format. A highly compatible file format developed by Adobe Systems. Often authored with Adobe’s Acrobat application and best viewed with that company’s Acrobat Reader. Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows XP both feature the ability to save to PDF. See also ACROBAT.
AKA Adobe Acrobat File, it stands for Portable Document Format. PDF's are viewable with the PDF viewer plug in developed by adobe. www.adobe.com
Stands for Portable Document File. A popular file format by Adobe which enables users to view documents.
(portable document format) A file format created by Adobe to enable documents to be saved as read only (that is, they cannot be changed or overwritten) and transported over the Internet. These files must be read with Adobe reader, which is free to download from the Internet.
Portable Document Format. A way to put a copy of a document on the Web. To view PDF files, you need a PDF reader such as Adobe Acrobat Reader.
A platform-independent PostScript-based file format; part of Adobe Acrobat. Acrobat can convert a DOS, Windows, UNIX or Macintosh document into a Portable Document Format (PDF) which can be displayed on any computer with Acrobat Reader.
Portable Document Format. Did you really want to know that? It's a type of text file readable with Adobe Acrobat and similar readers. Most ebooks are published as PDFs.
Abbreviation for Portable Document Format, a file format developed by Adobe. PDF's are commonly used to offer information in a print-friendly format or to ensure document layout and design is the same for all users. Viewing a PDF file requires Acrobat Reader, which is built into most browsers and can be downloaded free from Adobe.
(Adobe Acrobat) Portable Document File
Portable Document Format. A standard used by Adobe Acrobat to display any sort of document on any computer. The Adobe Acrobat Reader can be downloaded as freeware
The Portable Document Format has been developed by the Adobe Corporation and is in of itself a hypertext system.
PDF stands for Portable Document Format. Often full-text articles are displayed as PDFs, which are electronic files that have captured the elements of a printed document such as an article.
Portable Document Format. Popular document format created by Adobe systems to view documents created by different applications with the same viewer. Portal—An Internet gateway that contains information that targets a particular interest.
A proprietary format of Adobe Corporation, it has become a de facto standard for transmitting documents that the sender does not want to be altered and for transmitting documents to commercial printers and to the Web for online publishing.
Portable Document Format is Adobe® System's cross-platform file. Images, text and movies can be sent to many different computers and read with the Acrobat reader.
A proprietary document format from Adobe that preserves formatting such as specific fonts and graphics by embedding them into the file. PDF files are created with Adobe Acrobat.
Portable Document Format. A format for viewing, saving and printing documents from electronic sources. PDF format shows an article or similar document in its original, paper layout. To view PDF documents, Adobe Acrobat Reader is needed - freely available to download
The Portable Document Format was developed by Adobe. These files make it possible to capture the formatting information from any desktop publishing or word processing program and send the file to another computer or printer with all formatting intact – even if the recipient does not have the program or fonts the creator used. To view a file in PDF format, you do need the free Adobe Reader software.
Portable Document Format files are created by Adobe Acrobat which allows you to view books and other documents as computer based material. These can have search facilities, bookmarks and include multimedia items.
File format developed by Adobe Systems to enable users of any hardware or software platform to view documents exactly as they were created - with fonts, images, links, and layouts as they were originally designed.
Adobe's Portable Document Format is a file format that gives the page as intended regardless of the computer used. PDF is use for for creating documents that will be printed and instead of HTML when the content creator wants direct control over the display of the document.
An abbreviation for "Portable Document Format." Developed by the software company Adobe, a file format that maintains in an online version the page layout, fonts, and graphics of a document, exactly as the document appears in print format. Software known as Adobe Acrobat Reader, freely available for downloading to computers, must be used to read the document.
Portable Document Format and file extension (*.pdf) created by Adobe which allows a document distributed across multiple operating systems to retain formatting.
"Portable Document Format" PDF is the file format used in Adobe's electronic document distribution model. The program that is responsible for saving and reading files in the PDF is Adobe Acrobat. Using Acrobat, the creator of a document can export content created in a page layout or graphic generation program in the PDF. This document can then be viewed and printed by anyone who has a copy of the Acrobat Reader software, which is available free of charge from Adobe. You just have to love free stuff.
Portable Document Format. Computer file format used with programs like Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Acrobat Reader
Portable Document Format. Common format for electronic transfer and web posting of text and graphics. Requires Adobe Reader program to view.
Portable Document File. Any text or image file saved in a format that is universally readable using Adobe Acrobat software on any operating system. It offers the advantages of capturing images and fonts so these elements do not need to be separately imported in order to view the document in its original layout. This makes file sharing easier across different computers, often including camera-ready files for publication.
Program development facility or portable document format [Adobe].
Portable Document Format, a file format for electronic documents that can be printed with accurate page fidelity.
Portable Document Format. A file type gaining popularity on the Internet due to its ability to maintain document formatting.
Portable Document Format, used for scanned documents. This file can be accessed through a Web browser using Adobe Acrobat Reader.
The page description language used in the Adobe Acrobat document exchange system.
(Portable Document Format) A file format designed to enable printing and viewing of documents with all their formatting (typefaces, images, layout, etc.) appearing the same regardless of what operating system being used. The PDF format is based on the widely used Postcript document-description language. Both PDF and Postscript were developed by the Adobe Corporation.
Portable Document Format is an Adobe file format that captures all the elements of a printed document as an electronic image that you can view, navigate, print or forward to someone else.
Portable Document Format. Adobe Acrobat's format for complex documents, which allows you to create one file which can be viewed on a variety of different computers (even without a web browser) by simply "printing" in a special way.
A document file format developed by Adobe often used for text documents.
Portable Document Format. A standard file format used by Adobe Acrobat to display any sort of document on any computer. Often used for proofing purposes. Adobe Acrobat Reader is available to download at http://www.adobe.com.
The Portable Document Format (pdf) retains the original formatting and appearance of an article or book. A pdf document is an accurate copy of the original, unlike HTML and some other full-text versions, which, because they are often re-keyed versions of the original text, can contain textual errors.
Portable Document Format is a way of publishing a document on the Web and retaining its original layout and appearance. If you don't already have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer which is needed to open PDF's you can download it from Adobe's Web Site
Stands for Portable Document Format. Developed by Adobe to address the need for a universal format to share documents across different platforms that will look exactly the same without loss of any formatting information. A compressed postscript file with additional features such as a table of contents, navigation pane and hyperlinks. PDF files can be edited in a very limited way.
PDF or Portable Document Format a technology used to format documents so that they can be viewed and printed using the Adobe Acrobat reader. Used frequently for Word documents or other file types that you don't want altered. Also, PDF files are good to use on the external site because the Web user does not need Word or whichever program was used to create the document - they only need Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is a free program, downloadable from the Web.
An abbreviation for portable document format, a file format developed by Adobe Systems. PDF captures files from many desktop publishing applications, such as Word and Excel, making it possible to view them as created. To view a file in PDF format, you need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader.
(Portable Document Format): A file format that allows the printing and viewing of documents with all their original formatting intact regardless of program or operating system is used.
Portable Document Format files read and created by Adobe Acrobat. Adobe Acrobat Reader is freely available on the web.
Short for Portable Document Format. A file format created by Adobe. PDF files must be read by Adobe Acrobat Reader.
(portable document format). An Adobe Acrobat file that looks like the final printed version of the document you have created in another program, such as a word processor.
Portable Document Format. The format used for capturing published documents electronically so that when posted electronically, they appear as they would in print with all the formatting features and graphics
Adobe's Portable Document Format; preserves the format of documents across a wide variety of computer platforms.
(Portable Document Format). An Adobe Systems format for files may contain binary data. To read a PDF document you neead a special program called 'Acrobat Reader'.
ortable ocument ormat. Developed by Adobe Systems for `paperless publishing' with Adobe Acrobat software. PDF compresses PostScript type page files for fast display and printing of electronic documents on computer systems running Acrobat software. (Recent innovations allow the accurate output of complex CMYK objects.)
Portable Document Format; a file format commonly used for sending viewable files via e-mail.
Portable Document Format (PDF) is a file format developed by Adobe Systems for representing documents in a manner that is independent of the original application software, hardware, and operating system used to create those documents. A PDF file can describe documents containing any combination of text, graphics, and images in a device independent and resolution independent format. These documents can be one page or thousands of pages, very simple or extremely complex with a rich use of fonts, graphics, colour, and images. PDF is an open standard, and anyone may write applications that can read or write PDFs royalty-free.
A low resolution electronic proofing method produced using Adobe Acrobat.
Portable Document Format as developed by Adobe Systems. Emphasizes representing page layout.
Portable Document Format (PDF) is Adobe's format for complex documents, which allows you to create one file which can be viewed on a variety of different computers by simply "printing" in a special way. If your site has PDF files, it is a good idea to indicate that the file is a PDF file, in the text, and to include a link for your visitors to get the free Acrobat Reader program. Example: Adobe Reader is required to read or print this file. If you do not have Acrobat Reader, you can download it for free from Adobe. If you want to create a PDF file, you must have the full version of Acrobat. If you do not have the full version, it is available on some computers in the Faculty Resource Center (FRC). For assistance with creating PDF files, write to
[email protected] or go to the FRC during the hours it is staffed; see FRC hours.
Portable Document Format. PDF stands for Portable Document Format. It was developed by Adobe Corporation to allow efficient electronic distribution of large documents. A PDF file will look the same on the screen and in print regardless of what kind of computer you are using or which software package it was created from. A large document can be compressed small enough to download quickly, and displays text and pictures as if you were looking at the original book or brochure.
Portable Document File. An Adobe format that can be read on multiple computer systems, including Macintosh, Windows and Unix.
Portable Document Format. PDF is a universal file format that preserves fonts, images, graphics and layout of any source document, regardless of the application and platform used to create it.
a file format for presenting documents containing any combination of text, graphics, and images, to be read by the Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Short for Portable Document Format, it is a format used to capture the text and graphics of a document in an image file that users can easily navigate. A PDF is created by using Adobe Acrobat (there also are a few other Adobe programs available that are capable of creating a PDF).
PDF (Portable Document Format) is a file format created by Adobe Systems Incorporated that preserves all of the fonts, formatting, colors, and graphics of any source document, regardless of the software and computer platform used to create it.
Adobe Portable Document Format An increasingly popular format for publishing documents intended for electronic distribution. more information
Portable Document Format. The file format used by Adobe Acrobat.
An acronym for Portable Document Format. When a PDF is generated by the system, it is intended to look good when printed but it is not intended to be modifiable (unlike, for example, a typical Microsoft Word document).
The "Portable Document Format" was developed by Adobe in order to be able to display texts with images the same way on different computer systems.
Portable Document Format. this format allows documents to be printed exactly as formatted across the web. PDF files are usually presented inaccessible across the web but with careful editing both scanned and developed PDF files can be made accessible.
Portable Document Format (PDF) is an electronic file which takes all the elements of a paper document and allows it to be viewed, navigated and printed as an electronic image. The file is created and read in a software program called Adobe Acrobat. To be able to view the files you need to download the free Acrobat reader.
Portable Document Format. A standard cross-platform searchable document format that is well suited for printing. Used by Bee Documents, Inc. for document exports. Files can be opened by a variety of software products, the most popular being Adobe Reader which is freely available.
Portable Document Format. A method of storing electronic documents that preserves the exact look of the original. The method was developed by Adobe Systems, Inc. You must install (or have someone install for you) a free Reader program. Within the Reader program, you can navigate around the document, print all or part of the document, or search for text. This program will automatically make itself known to your Web browser so that when you click on a hyperlink that references a PDF, the Reader will start up within the browser and allow you to see the document within your browser.
Portable Document Format is a format developed by Adobe Systems that allows documents to appear on your computer just as they would in print.
A document format that uses Adobe Acrobat as the decoder/encoder. A freeware version of Adobe Acrobat may be downloaded from www.adobe.com.
Portable Document Format - Developed by Adobe®. A single file which contains one or more pages of documents, much like a book.
Portable Document Format. Printer friendly format which to a large degree preserves the document's original appearance. Requires installation of Adobe Acrobat Reader.
PDF stands for Portable Document Format. It is a kind of computer document designed for printing, and for use across different kinds of computers. You need to have the program Adobe Acrobat on your computer to read these files (all computers in the CC library and computer labs should already have this software installed). Full text journal articles in PDF are nice because they look just like the original printed article when you print them out. See the Adobe company website for more information or to download Acrobat Reader.
Document format proprietary to Adobe, but very widely used on the Internet for files that need to be viewed, and printed only. A popular viewer for this file format is Adobe Acrobat.
A propriety format for the transfer of designs across multiple computer platforms. PDF is a universal electronic file format, modeled after the PostScript language and is device-and resolution-independent. Documents in the PDF format can be viewed, navigated, and printed from any computer regardless of the fonts or software programs used to create the original.
A popular way of formatting documents so they can be viewed and printed on multiple platforms without changing. PDF is a modified Postscript format developed by Adobe as a standard for the web and for printing.
Portable Document Format; Adobe's general document format that has more or less become the standard for document archiving; In terms of scanned documents only challenged by TIFF
Portable Document Format. A file format which allows a file created on one computer platform to be viewed and printed intact by computer users on a number of different platforms. Created by Adobe Systems ® for its Acrobat ® products.
Portable Document Format. A technology developed by Adobe to allow documents to be displayed and printed on a variety of different operating systems.
Portable Document Format A proprietary file format created by Adobe® that allows documents created in any application to be viewed, shared or printed on any computer platform.
An acronym for Portable Document Format. Created by Adobe Systems, PDF is a file format used to represent a document in a manner independent of the application software, hardware, and operating system used to create it.
Portable Document Format. A file format created by Adobe Systems based on its PostScript® page description language. PDF files are platform- and device-independent, and are much easier to “port†from one userâ€(tm)s system to another without errors arising. PDF files are created and supported using Adobeâ€(tm)s “Acrobat†software tools; also, many other vendors have announced development of tools that support and expand the use of PDF in graphic arts production.
Portable Document Format (PDF) is an open standard from Adobe Systems. The key feature being cross-platform independence. The file itself contains all the fonts, graphics, and page layout information necessary for printing
Portable Document Format. It's a distribution format developed by Adobe Corporation to allow electronic information to be transferred between various types of computers. The software that allows this transfer is called Acrobat.
"portable document format" which is a file type that is readable on multiple-platforms (Windows AND Mac, linux, unix, etc.) with a free downloadable program called Adobe Acrobat Reader available from Adobe Systems.
Short for Portable Document Format, a defacto standard file format developed by Adobe Systems. PDF captures formatting information from a variety of desktop publishing applications, making it possible to send formatted documents and have them appear on the recipient's monitor or printer as they were intended. PDF is an excellent tool for converting documents prior to sending to recipients who otherwise may not have the proprietary software installed locally in order to view the document in it's native format.
A proprietary format owned by Adobe Corp. that has become the de facto standard for displaying documents and forms on the Web.
The file extension for a Portable Document Format file.Portable Document Format was designed by Adobe Systems, Inc.In order to view a .pdf file the user will need Adobe Acrobat Reader, a freeware product available for download via the Web.
Acronym that stands for Portable Document Format, which is a type of file created by the Adobe Acrobat program. A PDF file contains text and graphics that can be viewed by anyone who uses an IBM or Macintosh computer, whether or not they actually have the Adobe Acrobat program on their hard disk. Unlike most files that can only be used on one specific type of computer, PDF files are meant to be shared among different types of of computers.
Portable Document Format. An electronic file that may be viewed using the Adobe Acrobat program. Some articles/documents encountered in database searches are in this format, computer must have Adobe Acrobat program to view PDF files.
Portable Document Format, a published standard format developed by Adobe Systems, accessed with proprietary software.
Acronym: Portable Document Format. A cross-platform file format created by Adobe for distribution of format-rich documents.
"Portable Document Format". Version of an electronic journal article or book which is a scanned image of the item. A PDF item will look like a photocopy of a printed serial or book.
PDF stands for Portable Document Format and is a file format that captures all the elements of a printed document as an electronic image that can be viewed, navigated, printed and forwarded to others. The most common software used for the production and viewing of this type of file is Adobe Acrobat. The reader is free software.
(Portable Document Format) This format developed by Adobe makes it possible to keep the exact fonts, format, and layout of a document across any platform. These files can be created in Adobe Acrobat, or any program that can output to PDF. An Adobe Acrobat Reader is needed to view these files.
Short for Portable Document Format, PDF is a way of formatting documents so that different kinds of operating systems can display them. To view PDF files you will need the Adobe Acrobat program installed on your home computer.
PDF stands for Portable Document Format. It's another form for a document to take, just like graphics, text, etc. PDF comes in very handy for creating and transmitting info-products. PDF publishers - like the publishers of this book - take a finished document and transfer it from its original format, such as Word, to "electronic paper" via Adobe Systems Inc.'s Acrobat Exchange. The document is then readable with Adobe Reader regardless of your operating system or browser.
Portable Document Format: A format for exchanging electronic documents, enabling documents containing text, graphics, pictures and colour to be transmitted independently of the equipment and the operating system being used.
Portable Document Format. An electronic file format developed by Adobe Systems that can display documents with their original formatting intact and allow for digital signatures, collaborative feedback, and user input with forms.
Portable Document Format. A file format that displays images of the original printed document. PDF files are created using software such as Adobe Acrobat. To view and use the files, you will need the Acrobat Reader, which you can download for free. Acrobat will then start automatically whenever you want to look at a PDF file.
is a file format designed by Adobe, and is a popular way of formatting documents, which can be viewed and printed on multiple platforms through the freely available Adobe Acrobat reader.
Portable Document Format; a standardized way to deliver documents over the Internet that are easily viewed, printed and stored.
(Portable Document File) A file format that is read by Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is a application available on the Adobe website and therefore widely distributed. PDF files are light in weight, making them popular for downloads on websites/Intranets.
An acronym standing for Adobe主s Portable Document Format. PDF files are cross platform and contain all of the image and font data. Design attributes are retained in a compressed single package. to top
(Portable Document Format) Document format created by Adobe that enables reading and printing a document onany platform, using Acrobat Reader.
Acronym for Portable Document Format, a file format that retains all characteristics of a printed document in electronic form. The Acrobat Reader program is required to view PDFs. It is available for a wide variety of different operating systems.
Portable Document Format. A PDF file shows an image of the original document and can only be viewed by the Adobe Acrobat computer program.
Portable Document File: A file format (usually associated with Adobe Acrobat) that describes documents containing any combination of text, images, and/or graphics in a device-independent and resolution-independent format.
pdf or Portable File Documents are usually provided by Adobe Acrobat Reader they are a file format that makes reading, printing or uploading a lengthy document more palatable surfers need to get hold of Adobe Acrobat Reader to be able to read the file
Portable Document Format. Printer Description File.
Portable Document Format. A file that can be read on all computers using Adobe Acrobat Reader.
portable document format (from Adobe Acrobat). A book-like format with added security features for the restriction of changes to / editing of the document
An acronym for Portable Document Format, PDF is a file type created by Adobe Systems, Inc. that allows fully formatted, high-resolution, PostScript documents to be easily transmitted across the Internet and viewed on any computer that has Adobe Acrobat Reader software. Source: Learn the Net Glossary
Portable Document Format. Created by the software Acrobat, made by Adobe Systems for the common distribution of documents that retain their look and layout. Find out more about Acrobat
or Portable Document Format A file format for Adobe Acrobat. PDF files can be viewed and printed regardless of what application was used to create the file.
abbreviation for 'portable document format'. a document file format developed by adobe used to define the graphic, text and image content of a document independent of the original software application used to create the document. this allows the document to be viewed universally by anyone possessing software capable of displaying and printing pdf files such as adobe's acrobat reader.
(noun) Stands for Portable Document Format. It is a flexible, cross-platform file format that accurately displays graphical elements that are in a publication. Many web documents are in a pdf format.
Portable Document Format. A platform-independent format for desktop publishing documents developed by Adobe. PDF is widely used on the Internet to exchange documents with fonts, formatting, and graphics intact. Adobe provides a free PDF viewer for all major platforms online at http://www.adobe.com/acrobat/.
A file format developed by Adobe that allows formatted pages of text and graphics to be viewed and printed correctly on a variety of machines, without the original author having to worry about the recipients.
Portable Document Format is the format of Adobe Acrobat documents. The format displays text documents in a graphic format that cannot be read by a screen reader used by persons with disabilities because screen readers require characters.
PDFs are "Portable Document Format" files. All Victorian Planning Scheme Ordinance files are produced as PDFs. Planning Schemes Online makes use of the existing system and the existing data formats - thus uses the same PDF files to present the Ordinance information. I am having trouble opening ordinance PDF files - what can I do? (Click here) Select to find out how to use PDFs (searching, printing and zooming). To read how the Ordinance is divided for storage as PDF documents, please refer to 'How is the Ordinance (planning scheme text) set out?'.
Portable Document Format. File format developed by Adobe Systems to allow for display and printing of formatted documents across platforms and systems. PDF files can be read on any system equipped with the Acrobat Reader software, regardless of whether or not your computer has the software that the document was created in.
An electronic file format that stands for Portable Document Format. Developed by Adobe Systems, PDFs capture formatting information. To view PDFs, you need to have Adobe Reader.
Adobe's Portable Document Format. It is often used as a format which allows much more complete, controlled layout of a page and its graphics and text than conventional HTML does. It requires a browser plug-in to see a web page in PDF format. Files will usually have a .pdf extension. To create a page in PDF format, you need Adobe Acrobat (not the free Acrobat Reader) or other premium Adobe software. PhotoShop does. Adobe Illustrator does. PageMaker probably does (I haven't checked). Adobe GoLive does not. Adobe ImageStyler and ImageReady do not. Word and WordPerfect do not. Paint Shop Pro does not. The latest version 5.0 or Adobe Acrobat adds the capability to convert PDF files to text files in Rich Text Format.
Portable Document Format. A technology that allows documents to be viewed and printed on multiple platforms while retaining their original appearance.
What is a pdf document / pdf file format
A format developed by Adobe for representing documents in their original format - like a series of pages in a book. A PDF file can describe documents containing any combination of text, graphics, and images. When a file is saved as a PDF it takes the following format - "filename.pdf"
Portable Document Format. Popular document format designed to give complete control over layout and formatting. Files read by 'Acrobat' reader. Can be viewed in a web Browser via the Acrobat Plug-In. Adobe format.
Portable Document Format (PDF) is the standard for electronic document distribution worldwide. PDF is a format that preserves all of the fonts, formatting, colors, and graphics of any source document, regardless of the application and platform used to create it.
Portable document format. For more information see PDF Reference, available from the Adobe website: http://partners.adobe.com
Portable Document Format. A file format developed by Adobe that facilitates the conversion of graphics heavy documents into a form that requires the free Acrobat Reader for viewing. Creating a PDF file requires the full Acrobat program. PDF is especially useful for distributing documents such as online brochures or software documentation. PDF documents retain their original layouts, so users see them as they were created. (See Formats)
Portable Document Format. The Adobe Acrobat standard that enables display of the "page image" of documents using different browsers.
Portable Document Format: a format that is suited to printing documents intended for paper rather than screen.
Portable Document Format. A file format developed by Adobe Systems, Inc. that presents a document electronically as it would appear on paper.
Portable Document Format. The file format for documents created using Adobe Acrobat. PDF documents allow people to share formatted documents across different platforms. To create a PDF document, you use Adobe Acrobat Exchange and print the existing document to a file. The PDF file can be viewed using the Acrobat reader, which is distributed free. Adobe Acrobat Reader.
(Portable Document Format) - a file format developed by Adobe Systems Inc.. PDF files preserve the appearance and layout of an original document, making it possible for files to be viewed online and printed exactly as intended, regardless of the hardware or software the user is using. Viewing PDF files requires the use of the free Adobe Acrobat Reader software. Any document can be converted to PDF using the Adobe Acrobat application.
Adobe Acrobat PDF format is based on the PostScript level 3 language and PDF files can represent both vector and bitmap graphics.
Portable Document Format (PDF) is a file format developed by Adobe Systems for representing documents in a manner that is independent of the original application software, hardware, and operating system used to create those documents. Adobe Acrobat Reader is recommended to open PDF documents.
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) is a standardized file format to make documents and forms readily available on the Internet. You need the free PDF Reader to view these file types. Many forms and documents on this web site are in the PDF format.
Portable Document Format A popular document format, used mainly for online computer manuals, which retains the look of a printed book onscreen. PDFs are created using Adobe Acrobat, but can be read and displayed by many different programs including Internet Explorer.
Portable Document Format. enables the reading or printing of the transcriptions from Gunston Hall Plantation's website.
Portable Document Format- a common format used to display electronic documents and was developed by Adobe. PDF documents require the Adobe Acrobat Reader browser plug-in to view.
ortable ocument ile, requires a special, free, program called adobe Acrobat Reader, to read the file.
Portable Document Format. The electronic file format used with Adobe Acrobat software. Allows electronic distribution of formatted documents.
Portable Document Format - a file format exclusive to the Adobe Acrobat Reader that can be downloaded and viewed off-line.
Portable Document Format Files. A file type created by Adobe Systems Incorporated. These types of files are often used to distribute printable documents over the internet. Examples would include manuals, policies, and mail or fax forms.
An abbreviation for ortable ocument ormat, it is a cross platform file format that enables the same file to be viewed and printed with the exact same results, no matter what type of computer the visitor is using. PDF however, does require that Acrobat Reader be installed on the machine. Most US government documents, including IRS tax return forms are available online as PDF files.
It stands for Portable Document Format. It was developed by Adobe to enable a document to be viewed with the original formatting intact without having to have the original program on your computer. With a free Adobe Acrobat Reader a pdf document can be viewed on any computer platform. In addition to preserving the formatting the pdf document is also substantially smaller than the original file. These qualities make pdf a very popular choice for documents on the internet.
Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format, download as Binary
This file format is designed to preserve fonts, images, graphics, and formatting of an original application file. Using Adobe Acrobat Reader and Adobe Acrobat Exchange, a .pdf file can be viewed, shared, and printed by PC, UNIX, and Macintosh users.
Portable Document Format. A type of format developed by Adobe Systems with which the same file can be opened and viewed on most any computer platform (PC, Mac, Unix). It can also be printed on most any printer (dot matrix, laser, inkjet, PostScript, or non-PostScript). A PDF is a document file in that it includes text and graphics in one file that maintains the appearance of the original.
Portable Document Format (bærbart dokument format). Et format fra Adobe som muliggør at et dokument kan distribueres på forskellige systemer, mens layout bevares (.pdf).
Portable Document Format, a file format developed by Adobe that displays documents identically on any computer system. It's advantage over HTML is that it allows publishers to design complicated layouts using any typefaces and graphics, confident that the end user will view the same layout that the publisher has created.
( Portable Document Format) A file created by Adobe Acrobat Writer, and is readable by Adobe Acrobat Reader. Files in this format are un-editable. The latest version of the Acrobat Reader can be downloaded from the Adobe Acrobat site, http://www.adobe.com free of charge.
Adobe's Portable Document Format, a file format that renders the page exactly as intended regardless of the computer used. Typically used for creating documents that will be printed. PDF is used instead of HTML when the content creator wants absolute control over the display of the document. In contrast, the display of an HTML document depends on the computer and web browser software used. [ edit
This stands for Portable Document Format, which is allows text files to be sent in a condensed form over the Internet and then opened by users to be viewed on a monitor or printed in its original layout.
Portable Document Format. PDF is a standard file format used for distribution, viewing and printing of text and images. It combines fonts, text, images, and graphics in a consistent layout for use across many platforms. PDF files are designed to permit compact storage of image and text data for easy transmission and file storage. See the PDF faq.
Portable Document Format (PDF) is a file format that has captured all the elements of a printed document as an electronic image. You can view, navigate, print, or forward this electronic image to someone else.
Download file format that permits reports to be saved and printed just as it appears in the application. Users cannot change contents of .pdf documents unless they have specific software that has this capability.
portable document format. A very reliable type of file used for sending andreceiving documents through e-mail as attached files. PDFs are known for their ability tomaintain fonts, graphics, and layout specifications. To create a PDF you must have AdobeAcrobatTM software. And the recipient of the PDF must have Adobe AcrobatTM in order toopen and read the file.
An electronic document format from Adobe that allows the distribution of digital files across any platform that can display a document as originally designed and formatted without having the software application or fonts on the viewing computer.
Portable Document Format. platform independent file format that preserves formatting such as fonts, graphics, and layout so the documents when viewed or printed appear like the originals. Developed by Adobe Systems, PDF files require a free browser plugin, Adobe Acrobat Reader, to view.
Portable Document Format, a file created by Adobe's Acrobat software. PDF files are designed for distributing documents electronically, and thus contain original fonts, graphics and other design elements that faithfully record the layout of the original. A viewer for PDF files is available free to download here.
Adobe® Systems' cross-platform file type. Images and text may be sent to many different computers and read with the Acrobat reader.
Portable document format. A way of storing documents on a computer, designed to make it easy for users to share documents with each other.
Portable Document Format, a file that is an editable snapshot of a document or web page, retaining all the original fonts and layout, regardless of the computer that it is displayed on.
Portable Document Format. A file format from Adobe which allows for the preservation of the originating document style. Adobe's Acrobat Reader software, is available for free, and allows for the display of PDF documents on the Web. Creation of PDF documents can be made through the purchase of a PDF production package.
Portable Document Format. A document format that aims to reproduce text exactly the way it would appear on a page. Viewable in web browsers using a plug-in, but disliked by many users because it can be very slow.
(Portable Document Format) A file format developed by Adobe that allows system-independent documents to be created and distributed across multiple computer systems and have them appear as they were attended.
A file format designed for cross-platform document creation and distribution. An electronic snapshot of a document, which may be printed or displayed on-screen, saved in a compressed PostScript format. PDF files can simply mimic print documents or provide interactivity through links and dynamic media.
Portable Document Format. A translation format developed by Adobe used primarily for distributing files across a network, or on a Web site. Files with a .pdf extension have been created in another application and then translated into .pdf files so they can be viewed by anyone, regardless of platform. Source: Internet Advertising Bureau
Portable Document Format is a file format developed by Adobe Systems. Representing documents in a manner that is not dependent on the original software or operating system used to create the document. A PDF can contain one or thousands of pages of text and images. Free readers for many systems are available from www.adobe.com.
(portable document format): A file format developed by Adobe Systems, which enables documents created in desktop publishing to retain formatting information when transferred to the Internet. An Adobe Acrobat reader is needed to view PDF files.
Portable Document Format] Cross-platform file format introduced by Adobe. It now facilitates the distribution of illustrated documentation around the Internet.
Short for "Portable Document Format." This file format works on virtually any computer and printer. Developed by Adobe Systems, it has become the standard format for distributing high-quality documents on the web. It is available for free and there are versions available for all operating systems.
The file format in Adobe's Acrobat document exchange technology. Acrobat/PDF has become the de facto standard for document exchange as well as for publishing documents on the Web.
portable document format. a file format that has captured all the elements of a printed document as a multi-page electronic image, along with the possibility of copying electronic text from the document
Short for Portable Document Format. The Adobe specification for electronic documents that use the Adobe Acrobat family of servers and readers
Portable Document Format. A file format created by Adobe Systems. It is the de facto standard for sharing "paper like" reference material over the internet. Anyone can download the Acrobat reader for free from Adobe. They, and others, sell programs to produce the files.
Portable Document Format. Developed by Adobe to by system independant.
"Portable Document Format". Secure, standard document format, read by Adobe Reader. Preserves the look of the original document.
Portable Document Format, a universal file format that can preserve all the fonts, formatting, graphics, and color of any source document, regardless of the application and platform used to create it. Adobe PDF files are compact and can be printed across various systems with no change in image integrity.
A PDF is a universal file format. Documents from many programs can be made into a PDF which then can be viewed on any computer which has Adobe Acrobat or the free Acrobat Reader. The file size is usually smaller than in the original format, making it quicker to email or download from the web.
Refers to the Adobe Acrobat file format for online documents.
A file format for encoding printed documents with fonts and navigation and elements. (Source: Dreamweaver MX 2004)
cross platform file format for storing and distributing any type of computer data created by Adobe Acrobat products ( www.adobe.com); also Windows file extension denoting this type of file
An Adobe technology for formatting documents so that they can be viewed and printed using the Adobe Acrobat reader.
(Portable Document Format) electronic document that can be output by any printer.
Electronic document format from Adobe Systems Inc. that allows the distribution of files across platforms that can display a document as originally designed and formatted – and, when fully developed, also allow printing – without requiring the original software application or fonts on the viewing computer.
Portable Document Format. A document format read by Adobe System's Acrobat viewer. This format is excellent for displaying instruction manuals and other large documents in a "web-ready" state.
Portable Document Format. A format made by Adobe Acrobat that allows documents to be shared over a variety of operating systems. Documents in PDF format can be read by any computer that has Adobe Acrobat Reader installed. Acrobat Reader is free to download from the Adobe website. Don't mix up the Reader with the file creation software. Acrobat Reader will open .pdf files, but can't edit them. A PDF also maintains the exact layout of the document and displays the graphics, so it's used to electronically send menus, brochures, etc. that have a lot of formatting and graphics (as opposed to plain text).
Portable Document Format. A file format developed to capture formatted data from a variety of applications, making it possible print.
Portable Document Format http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/P/PDF.html
Portable Document Format A PDF file is a document that was written in a format that is compatible with most computers and easily printable on most printers. PDF documents are viewed with Adobe Acrobat reader. One advantage of using PDF to the author is that the PDF document contains only the final document, not the formatting instructions - making it much harder for someone to take your work, change a few words and pass the document off as their work.
Portable Document Format which is a common process of viewing a document electronically. To view a PDF document, you must have installed the free Adobe Acrobat Reader on your computer which is available online.
Printer Description (file name extension)[Borland,Lotus
(Portable Document Format) The file format that encompasses all the elements of a printed document as an electronic image that you can view, navigate, print and distribute.
Portable Document Format. A proprietary file format created by Adobe Systems that enables complex documents to be viewed on almost any computer. Tax forms downloaded from the IRS are examples of PDF files. Adobe Acrobat is the application that allows you to view these files.
Portable Document Format. A universal file format created by Adobe Systems allowing users to distribute, read, and view electronic documents with all formatting, fonts, text sizes, graphics, colour, etc. intact, regardless of the software or platform used to create the file. If you can not view PDF files you may need to download the Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is available free from Adobe's web site.
Portable Document Format. Word processing software, business applications or desktop publishing files on the Web that look exactly like the originals. Must have Adobe Acrobat Reader to view.
Portable Document Format. A computer file which will display documents in their original format
A proprietary format developed by Adobe Systems for the transfer of designs across multiple computer platforms.
Portable Document Format. a file format used when you want the document to look exactly like a printed page. The file name will end with .pdf. Many documents on the Web that are primarily for printing use this format. A good example is a federal tax form. ( more details: NetLingo TM)
Portable Document Format. Refers to a file format in which formatted documents can be transferred over the Internet. PDF files are readable with Adobe Acrobat Reader, an application which can be downloaded from the Adobe Web site at no charge.
(Portable Document Format) Platform and application independent file format. Requires the free Adobe Acrobat Reader software.
Portable Document File for on-screen viewing of specifications; may be printed
PDF stands for Portable Document Format. It's a common format that preserves the typefaces, images, graphics and layout of an electronic document. PDF files are compact and can be shared, viewed and printed by anyone with Adobe Acrobat Reader software. You can download it free from www.adobe.com.
Portable Document Format. A text format designed by Adobe, to be read by the Adobe Acrobat Reader. PDF is designed to be portable across computer platforms.
portable document format (pdf) is a file format developed by Adobe Systems for representing two dimensional documents in a device independent and resolution independent format. ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pdf)
Portable Document Format. You can view PDF files using the Acrobat Reader software. This can be downloaded for free from Adobe if you do not already have it installed on your computer.
An acronym for Portable Document Format, a file format created by Adobe Systems, Inc. It uses the PostScript printer description language and is highly portable across computer platforms. PDF documents are created with Adobe Acrobat or other programs and can be viewed with Adobe Acrobat Reader and other PDF reader programs.
Stands for Portable Document Format. Created by Adobe Systems in its software program Adobe Acrobat as a universal browser. Files can be downloaded via the web and viewed page by page, provided the user's computer has installed the necessary plug-in which can be downloaded from Adobe's own web site.
A file format designed to enable printing and viewing of documents with all their formatting (typefaces, images, layout, etc.) appearing the same regardless of what operating system is used, so a PDF document should look the same on Windows, Macintosh, linux, OS/2, etc. The PDF format is based on the widely used PostScript document-description language. Both PDF and PostScript were developed by the Adobe Corporation.
PDF is abbreviation for portable document format.
Short for Portable Document Format, a file format developed by Adobe Systems. PDF captures formatting information from a variety of desktop publishing applications, making it possible to send formatted documents and have them appear on the recipient's monitor or printer as they were intended. To view a file in PDF format, you need Adobe Reader, a free application distributed by Adobe Systems.
(Portable Document Format) Standard file format utilized for providing reports to a wide variety of users. Acrobat Reader software is required to view .pdf files. A-E F-K L-P Q-T U-Z A-E F-K L-P Q-T U-Z
A proprietary format that has become a de facto standard for documents displayed on the Web.
Abbreviation for portable document format. Created by Adobe Systems in its software program Adobe Acrobat as a universal browser. A PDF document uses formatting information from many different desktop publishing applications, such as InDesign and QuarkXPress. Files can be downloaded over the web and viewed page by page, provided the user has installed the necessary plug-in, Adobe Acrobat Reader.
PDF stands for "Portable Document Format," developed by Adobe to allow documents to be read "cross-platform," without the viewer needing the program the document was created in. To read a document saved in PDF format, you need the Adobe Acrobat Reader (available at Adobe's website).
Portable Document Format. A popular format for files that are ready to be printed. If you've ever printed a Web page, you know that what you see is not always what you get. With PDF files, you can download a file that is clean and ready to print. You need the Acrobat Reader in order to view PDF files, though.
Portable Document Format - a file format developed by Adobe Systems for capturing formatted page layouts for distribution. Requires the proprietary Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is now given away free of charge. Electronic Writing offers an introduction to new writing techniques using computers and the Internet. It covers word-processing, desktop publishing, and how to create better-looking documents. Simple guidance notes provide an explanation of digital text, electronic mail, and an introduction to hypertext, including the basics of writing for the World Wide Web. Clear explanations in non-technical language.
A document format defined by the Adobe corporation. It allows typographic excellence, and has a definition that is an open standard which, along with some other features, has helped it to be widely used on the World Wide Web. It is often used as the output format for TeX documents that will be kept online. See pdfTeX.
Portable Document Format. File format which enables users of any hardware or software platform to view documents exactly as they were created - with fonts, images, links and layouts as they were originally designed.
(*.pdf) – Portable document format. A file format for representing the visual aspects of pages, and for certain other information about those pages, independent of the software, hardware, and operating system used to create them and independent of the output device on which they're to be displayed or printed. Created and maintained by Adobe Systems.
(Portable Document Format) A file format for creating and viewing documents with Adobe Acrobat.
Originally created using Adobe Acrobat, the file can be viewed using the Adobe Acrobat plug-in.
Portable Document Format - Adobe's cross-platform system for portable electronic documents.
Portable Document Format, Prepares documents for electronic viewing.
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) allows users to convert any PostScript Language output into an online hypertext document. PDF documents can be shared across all platforms while maintaining the documents' printed look and feel. PDF is code page, application, and media independent - PDF files are viewed in Adobe Acrobat Reader, which can be downloaded and distributed from the Web for free.
Portable Document Format, a popular file format for electronic documents
Portable Document Format. PDFs are created using Adobe Acrobat sotware. They were originally designed for Internet and Intranet use to exchange stand-alone forms and documents such as registration and odering forms, legal documents, and manuals. Also used on many CD-Roms for instructions and other text and graphic information.
A file format designed by Adobe Systems to enable printing and viewing of documents with all their formatting (typefaces, images, layout, etc.) appearing the same regardless of what operating system is used, so a PDF document should look the same on Windows, Macintosh, linux, OS/2, etc. The PDF format is based on the widely used Postcript document-description language. Image Portal SE supports repurposing and auto-thumbnail generation for multi-page PDF documents.
(Portable Document Format) Developed by the Adobe Corporation, this file format can enable printing and viewing of documents and maintain appearance regardless of the operating system used.
Short for "Portable Document Format", a file format that allows platform-independent file exchange. Reading a file in PDF format requires a special program, the Adobe Reader from Adobe Systems Incorporated. The Adobe Reader is available free of charge on the internet ( Adobe Reader download page). It comes pre-installed on many computers and is often found on the CD-ROMs included in computer magazines. PDF is a good format for printing text, but copying from PDF is not easy. Our PDF forms cannot be filled out electronically. If you do not have the Adobe Reader and cannot install it on your computer, use HTML or RTF instead. Adobe Systems Inc. offers special access software for disabled users. Other software that displays PDF documents, such as Apples "Preview" oder Xpdf, should work well.
see Portable Document Format.
(Portable Document Format): Adobe® Systems' cross-platform file type that allows images and text to be sent and viewed by many different computers.
Portable Document Format (PDF) is the document format from Adobe Systems, Inc., that enables electronic distribution of documents regardless of operating system. Creating a PDF file from a document allows you to keep the look and feel of the original document. PDF files are compact, cross platform and can be viewed by anyone with a free Acrobat Reader.
A file format that displays the exact formatting (fonts, images, layout, &c.) of the original printed document. To view the files, a user needs the Adobe Acrobat Reader application, which can be downloaded for free: http://www.adobe.com.
Portable Document Format is a file format created by Adobe. Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to be able to view or use PDF document. This software is available as a free download from Adobe. PDF's have become popular as a format for publishing documents on the web. This is mainly because they will visually display on a monitor in exactly the same as the author intended, assuming they have installed the Reader first.
Portable Document Format. A format for use on the World Wide Web. The file retains page layout, color, graphics, and typography of the original document and can be viewed on-screen or printed using either viewer, Acrobat Reader or Acrobat Exchange.
Portable Document File; a format of online text that must be viewed with a PDF reader (often Adobe Acrobat, which is available free online).
a file format that has captured all the elements of a printed document as an electronic image that you can view, navigate, print, or forward to someone else. PDFs can be read by any computer (Macintosh, Windows or UNIX) without platform conflicts.
Portable Document Format. this was developed by Adobe Systems Inc, as a way to publish documents electronically, with good formatting for printing, and document security (documents are generally read only). Originally it was in an image format, and this presented major accessiblity issues. Recently however, Adobe has made large strides in making the PDF format accessible to people with disabilties.
Package Definition File. SMS makes a package of the software that needs to be distributed before it gets sent. The PDF describes how the package is put together.
Abbreviation for Portable Document Format. PDF files are generated by the Adobe software program Acrobat.
Portable Document Format; a type of formatting that enables files to be viewed on a variety computers regardless of the program originally used to create them. PDF files retain the "look and feel" of the original document with special formatting, graphics, and color intact. You use a special program or print driver (Adobe Distiller or PDF Writer) to convert a file into PDF format. The Acrobat Reader program distributed via the OIT Software To Go Web site is required to view a PDF file.
(Portable Document Format) - a document format that can be read across various systems without using the formatting of the document. Developed by Adobe and can be read using Adobe Acrobat reader (provided free from their website - http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat).
Portable Document Format – the page description language used in Adobe’s Acrobat system
A page description language developed by Adobe Corporation to store and render images of pages.
Portable Document Format. A file type created by Adobe that contains embedded information. PDF is handy for portability and screen viewing because the pages display in the same way that they were created
Portable Document Format. A file format that allows the creation of a single magazine-like document that can contain multiple pages of text, graphics, forms, and other data.
The PDF (Portable Document Format) is a file format developed by Adobe. Most digital documents on DocumentsOnline are delivered in PDF format, and you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view them. It is available free from Adobe's website.
The file extension that identifies documents encoded in the Portable Document Format developed by Adobe Systems. To display or print a .pdf file, the user should obtain the freeware Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Portable Document Format. A compressed file format that is popular to distribute printable information on the Internet or disks. While text and line art is stored in resolution- independent vector format, images are reduced in resolution and compressed to be included in PDF. The Acrobat software needed to read the files is available free of charge. This documentation is also published in PDF format.
A format from Adobe that enables a document to be distributed on different systems while preserving the layout.
Portable Document Format. a particular file format for the storage of electronic documents in a paged form. Created by Adobe around their Adobe Acrobat product. Usually created from a Postscript page description.
Portable Document Format. An Adobe PostScript standard file format that is very popular on the web because it preserves the graphical look of a document, unlike HTML, which adapts itself to different browsers and has limited support for fonts.
The Portable Document Format is an industrial standard, introduced to the market by Adobe, and suitable for the preservation and distribution of documents. In the PDF-format, in addition to the content of the document, the layout is retained in such a way that the form of the document is identical when it is printed out via a printer or a monitor.
portable document format. a file format invented by Adobe, developed from their postscript printing format. The definition includes efficient image compression. PDF files should look the same whatever machine they are viewed on. The documents you are reading were sent to the print house as PDF files.
Portable document format. A format for writing files so that they can be viewed or printed using a viewer program and will appear the same on any computer. Developed by Adobe.
pdf; Portable Document Format. A file format that allows files printed by office software to be published on the Web. PDF files require the free Adobe Acrobat helper. See the Adobe Acrobat Reader Support page for more details.
Portable Document Format. Don't spell out.
Adobe's “Portable Document Format”, a file format created by Adobe, providing a standard form for storing and editing printed publishable documents. Because documents in .PDF format can easily be seen and printed by users on a variety of computer and platform types, they are very common on the World Wide Web. It is possible to export to PDF format from within the viewer. Simply click on the “export as” icon, and select PDF as your export format. This will export your report as a PDF file.
Portable document file. Used on the Internet for downloading sensitive materials locally in a file format that cannot be manipulated, only read. Ideal for pricelists or brochures. Does require a p ... more
Portable Document Format is a file standard developed by Adobe to allow documents to be distributed electronically while maintaining layout integrity. PDFs are useful where a large amount of information is to be provided and where reading such material onscreen in unfeasible or inappropriate. To view PDF files you will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader. This is available as either a stand alone application or browser plug-in from the Adobe website. To create PDF documents you will need to purchase the Adobe Acrobat software.
Portable Document Format, a type of desktop publishing file created by Adobe that lets people stores documents on disk while preserving their layout and design.
Portable Document Format from Adobe. This advanced form of Postscript allows you to share fully formatted documents - including typeface, type size, letter, line, and paragraph spacing - with users who have the reader. Created by Acrobat Distiller "compressing" a Postscript file. Has the capacity to be searched and has multi-media capabilities. Anyone with the free Acrobat Reader can read a PDF.
Portable Document Format. Created by Adobe Systems in its software program Adobe Acrobat as a universal browser. Files can be easily downloaded and viewed, provided that you already have Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. Logo Revolution will send you a copy of your logo concepts as a pdf file for review. If you do not have Acrobat Reader on your computer, please inform your logo designer, who will either help you download it, or send your logo concepts in a different format.
(Portable Document Format). Standard format for electronic document distribution. Developed by Adobe. A free PDF viewer is available from www.adobe.com. There are plenty of free PDF creation software packages available, such as Cute PDF Writer.
Portable Document Format Originally by Adobe (Acrobat) a generic document format, viewed/printed by free \"reader\" software available for every platform.
Printer Description or Adobe Acrobat File Netware Printer Definition File or MS Package Definition File (Inventory-related)
Stands for Portable Document Format. This is a file format created by Adobe that is commonly used in desktop publishing.
Portable Document File. A type of computer file that looks the same on the screen and in print, regardless of what kind of computer or printer is being used, and what kind of software package was originally used to create it. Most American FactFinder technical documentation is available in PDF format.
Portable Document Format. A file standard for documents that can be processed (generally viewed and printed) by any computer, regardless of the specific application program which created the original. Adobe
(Portable Document Format) - Digitized replica or scanned copy of a document as it was originally published. This file type preserves all formatting, page numeration, and original images/charts/graphs/etc. PDF files end with a .pdf extension and can be viewed using Adobe Reader. Adobe Reader is available free and can be downloaded from Adobe Systems Inc. at http://www.adobe.com.
Portable Data Format. PDF is an Adobe format for digital layout. It is the leading file format worldwide for print layouts. The success of PDF rests in large measure on the fact that it uses the proven graphic model from Postscript to describe page contents.
Portable Document Format: The native file format for Adobe Systems' Acrobat. PDF is the file format for representing documents in a manner that is independent of the original application software, hardware, and operating system used to create those documents. A PDF file can describe documents containing any combination of text, graphics, and images in a device-independent and resolution independent format
A Portable Document Format (PDF) is a publicly available file format. Other document types can be easily converted into PDF.
portable document format. A format which allows a document to be saved, opened and viewed, without the need for the original application used to view the file