Transportation System Management. A term for methods to improve the operation of a transportation system without expanding capacity.
(formerly ADSM) TSM ( Tivoli Storage Manager) Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM) is a backup service provided by Queen's University Information Technology Services. This service allows users to back up the disk drives on most workstations connected to the campus network. TSM is available through Packman.
Transportation System Management. A program to improve the movement of persons through better and more efficient use of the existing transportation system, with low cost, high impact, short-life projects.
Tivoli Storage Manager. A client/server program that provides storage management to customers in a multivendor computer environment.
Transportation Systems Management - Numerous techniques to relieve congestion without adding vehicle capacity to the transportation system. Some are "demand-based" techniques such as ridesharing programs and flexible work schedules enabling employees to commute to work outside peak hours. (Sometimes the demand-based strategies are referred to as TDM.) Other TSM measures are engineering-oriented, such as timing traffic signals to smooth the flow of traffic, and ramp metering, which regulates the entrance of vehicles onto a freeway, thereby increasing the efficiency of the freeway.
(Transportation System Management) Low-cost projects that focus on how the transportation system responds to people's needs.
Transportation System Management. That part of the urban transportation planning process undertaken to improve the efficiency of the existing transportation system. The intent is to make better use of the existing transportation by using short-term, low-capital transportation improvements that generally cost less and can be implemented more quickly than system development actions.
Transportation System Management. That element of a TIP (Transportation Improvement Program) that proposes non-capital-intensive steps toward the Improvement of a transportation system, such as refinement of system and traffic management, the use of bus priority or reserved lanes, and parking strategies. It includes actions to reduce vehicle use, facilitate traffic flow, and improve internal transit management.
Transportation Systems Management. improvement of existing transportation system efficiency by making better use of the system through short-term, low-capital transportation improvements rather than system development actions, such as new roadway construction, that are generally more costly
Transportation System Management: Improvements designed to improve traffic flow that are low cost and can be implemented quickly. Such strategies may include variable message signs (VMS), highway advisory radio (HAR), ramp metering and re-striping roadways.
Transportation System Management. T echnologies to apply surveillance and control strategies to improve traffic flow on roadways.
Transportation Systems Management. TSM represents the best that can be done for mobility with existing infrastructure - that is, without construction of a new or widened highway or without construction of a new transit guideway. Generally, the TSM alternative emphasizes upgrades in transit service through operational and small physical improvements, plus selected highway upgrades through intersection improvements, traffic signal improvements, minor widening, and other focused traffic engineering actions.
Travel System Management. TSM is a combination of low-cost strategies that use a total approach to transportation system management. The goal is to shift emphasis from expanding capacity to making better use of existing transportation systems. (2)
See Transportation System Management.