National Executive Committee
Navy Enlisted Classification, a code used to describe enlisted skills gained through formal schools or experience. Used by the distribution system to fill designated billets with required skills.
An abbreviation for the National Electric Code which contains guidelines for all types of electrical installations.
National Electric Code. A nationally recognized safety standard for the construction, design and maintenance of electrical circuits.
National Electric Code. called "code" - rules sponsored by the National Fire Protection Association, under the American National Standards Intsitute (ANSI), to determine electrical safety measures (f in other words why we have to install this, and can't install that)
The National Electric Code, Article 770 deals with ratings for optical fiber cables, including OFNR (Nonconductive Optical Fiber Riser Cable) and OFNP (Nonconductive Optical Fiber Plenum Cable), revised every three years.
National Energy Council / National Electric Code
This document is the most commonly referenced general electrical standard in the United States.
National Electric Code. Published by the National Fire Prevention Association.
The National Electricity Code defines the rules for wholesale electricity trading and access to electricity networks.
see National Electric Code.
Abbreviation for ational lectric Code. Electrical contractors are required to follow the NEC standards and practices for installing copper wiring systems, low voltage and fiber optic cabling.
A set of guidelines for all types of electrical installations including Article 690, "Solar Photovoltaic Systems". Now law nationwide.
National Electric Code. Rules and guide lines instituted by the National Fire Prevention Association (NFPA) to reduce the risk of fire in any electrical installation. R-E is now covered in the latest revision of the NEC.
Rules which govern wiring methods to optimize safety. Local codes may differ from the NEC.
National Extension College (NEC)
National Electric Code. A compilation of wiring practices and requirements from the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA).
The National Electric Code, currently at revision 2002. The code book and a handbook can be ordered through any bookstore.
A set of rules governing safe wiring methods. Local codes—which are backed by law—may differ from the NEC in some ways.
National Electric Code. The electrical wiring and installation standards used in the United States.
National Economic Council. part of the Executive Office of the President. Created by President Bill Clinton and patterned after the National Security Council (NSC), it helps the President coordinate foreign and domestic economic policies. The council is headed by the national economic council adviser.
National Electric Code, a safety document produced by the NFPA.
National Electricity Code. The regulatory framework for the National Electricity Market
National Electric Code, Article 70 of the National Fire Protection Association developed for personnel safety and equipment protection concerning electricity.
National Electric Code which governs the installation of the customer's equipment.
National Electrical Code.
National Electric Code. A standard for safe and proper wiring and electrical appliances to be used as a guide for local jurisdictions in disputes.