_ Actions that improve the quality of existing habitat beyond its originally designed purpose or condition.
an improvement that makes something more agreeable
a change which has been made to the existing software to improve productivity, usability, performance and, most importantly, functionality
an additional laser treatment done to fine-tune the original treatment
an additional LASIK procedure used for fine tuning after the initial procedure
a secondary procedure where addition laser must be added to achieve the full correction that was intended
a "touch-up" laser surgery used to fine-tune your vision if your healing pattern creates a slight over, or under, correction once vision stabilizes after surgery
A LVC procedure that may be undertaken to improve the visual outcome after LVC. Enhancements are usually done once the initial procedure has stabilized.
a management action designed to improve visual quality.
a term for additional laser treatments made to refine or improve the original visual result. Because enhancement treatment usually a small correction these procedures traditionally have a highly accurate outcome. See regression.
This is the process of improving the teaching and learning experience of our students. This is primarily the brief of TLC rather than TQARO. There are also national initiatives in this area, the aim of which is to promote and share good practices and innovation in learning and teaching across the sector. See Teaching and Learning Centre (TLC) website and the bulletin Teaching Matters which are especially useful as sources of advice and ideas.
A second refractive surgery. This is usually done to touch up the results of a first laser vision correction surgery.
A repeat of a refractive surgical procedure in an attempt to improve vision without glasses
Any man-made process used to improve or accentuate the natural beauty to gemstones. This includes heat treatment, irradiation, surface diffusion, impregnation, bleaching, and dyeing.
Emphasis on improving the value of particular aspects of water and related land resources.
A secondary refractive procedure performed after the initial one in an attempt to achieve better visual acuity.
Actions performed to establish or improve the functions of a wetland or other aquatic sites or resources.
Secondary laser treatments to refine or improve the original visual result. LASIK enhancements are performed typically 3 months following the original procedure by lifting the original flap or making a new flap. Like the original LASIK procedure, it is rapid, painless, and results in improved vision by the next day, in most cases.
Technique for processing an image so that the result is visually clearer than the original image.
A term used to describe a re-operation or re-treatment in refractive surgery. Primarily used in association with incisional surgeries, such as radial keratotomy and astigmatic keratotomy, it is used when there is still correction needed after the initial operation.
Secondary refractive surgery treatments made to refine or improve the original visual result. Outcome predictability is reduced at higher corrections. Higher corrections and wider optical zones require deeper sculpting and consequently undercorrection and overcorrection are more common. Enhancement treatment by contrast is usually a small correction and usually has higher outcome predictability. Detailed Lasik Enhancement Information Detailed Lasik Enhancement Rate Information
An innovation that has a positive impact on one or more of a firm's existing products.
Anything that you do to an image to make it simpler, faster or more accurate to analyze and interpret by eye is a form of "enhancement". Special enhancement techniques can improve colour, brightness, contrast, sharpness, etc. (Related words: visual interpretation)
Data filtering and other processes that improve the visual quality of the pictorially presented data or that visually accentuate a characteristic of the data.
The improvement of an image either through colour and/or density change.