Designated time for prospective bidders to view and inspect the lots to be offered at auction.
To see a simulated Player output on the Studio screen.
After saving the created or edited page, under File, click on Preview or, use the Preview icon on the task bar to see a simulation of how the page will look in a browser. NOTE: that most hotlinks will not work in Preview mode. Choose different USER AGENTS to see simulations of different browsers. Click "show all pages" to view both published and unpublished pages in the navigation.
an advertisement consisting of short scenes from a motion picture that will appear in the near future
an onscreen review of your poster files as viewed by our poster printer software
Specified date, time and place property is available for prospective buyer viewing and evaluation. Also known as an INSPECTION.
To display the text or graphics on a screen as it will appear when it is printed out. Word processors, such as Microsoft Word, have a standard view which allows you to type and edit rapidly. However, if you want to see the effect of margins, tables or columns, you would switch to preview mode which shows exactly how the page will look when printed
The term for viewing your Project by clicking play on the Control Panel or by pressing CTRL/COM-G. Pressing the Escape key returns you to edit mode.
an OpenWorkbench protocol mode in which data is saved to a temporary block in the tank. This mode allows the user to view data in OpenController or OpenScope without permanently storing data.
This feature allows you to display on-screen a still-image thumbnail view of the first scene from each title or chapter. This is helpful when searching for a particular scene or title, especially if that content does not have a sophisticated disc menu structure.
Clicking on preview in a DCR allows a person to see what the page will look like in a browser. The URL at the top of the screen is extremely long and complicated – that is because preview is only a temporary page. Never try to use a preview URL as a link. Links within a DCR will not function in preview mode. To check a link, deploy the page to the dev site. Preview can be used to see how an image or table is displaying, or to check colours or functionality. When finished with the preview, close the window to return to the working DCR.
A specified date and time the property is available for prospective buyer viewing and audits. Also known as an Open House or Inspection.
Be sure to take advantage of the preview times made available for you to look over the items being offered for sale. Many times, auction items are slightly used so you will want to know if there are any defects, such as loose or missing table legs, a vehicle that doesn't start, or glassware that has chips or cracks. While these may be acceptable to you, it may affect the amount you want to bid, so look before you bid. You will feel much more confident if you do this.
The act of viewing a site in a browser to determine how it will appear to visitors prior to publishing the site to a Web server. SiteCLERK's preview function enables you to view and test your site before publishing.
view photo or show before saving any alterations.
Specified date and time property is available for prospective buyer viewing. Also known as Inspection. Request In some cases, the auctioneer will state that we will take a short recess and he will offer the opportunity to "request" items and bring them to a designated table or wagon. This is done to accommodate the to buyers present before it gets to late in the auction. Each auctioneer handles request in his own way.
Specified date and time property is available for buyer viewing & examination of items to be offered at the auction.
To view a blog entry before publishing it.
a software feature you use to view an entire document, including margins, page numbers, and so on
In word processing, previewing refers to formatting a document for the printer, but then displaying it on the display screen instead of printing it. Previewing allows you to see exactly how the document will appear when printed. If you have a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get), previewing is unnecessary because the display screen always resembles the printed version. For word processors that are not WYSIWYGs, however, previewing is the next-best thing. If your word processor does not support previewing, you may be able to buy a separate program that allows you to preview documents. ቅድመ ትáˆáŠ¢á‰µ View