A hollow metallic vessel, usually shaped somewhat like a cup with a flaring mouth, containing a clapper or tongue, and giving forth a ringing sound on being struck.
A hollow perforated sphere of metal containing a loose ball which causes it to sound when moved.
Anything in the form of a bell, as the cup or corol of a flower.
Sometimes used in ritual as a cue. Typically associated with "feminine" characteristics due to its cauldron/cup-like shape.
From Anglo-Saxon bellan, to roar. Old Norse bjalla, bell, from bylja, to resound. A hollow vessel, usually cup-shaped and of some hard, brittle material-in most cases metal-which is capable of ringing upon being struck near the rim. The striking agent in the Westem world is normally of metal, but in the Orient is of wood.
A single stroke or vibrating type audible notification appliance which has a bell tone.
Paired with the vajra the bell represents wisdom, and as wisdom and method are an undivided unity so the Dorje and and bell are mostly employed together. Its base must be round, above which is a vase surmounted by the face of Prajnaparamita. Above these are a lotus, a moon disc and finally a vajra. The hollow of the bell symbolizes the wisdom recognizing emptiness. The clapper represents the sound of emptiness. The vase represents the vase containing the nectar of accomplishment.
A sound signal producing bell tones by means of a hammer actuated by electricity on fixed aids and by sea motion on buoys.
Altar or ritual tool used for beginning or ending a ritual or ceremony. Bells are often used in ritual work to invite, call or invoke spirits to participate.
The cup-shape or flared opening or a wind or brass instrument.
a hollow device made of metal that makes a ringing sound when struck
the sound of a bell being struck; "saved by the bell"; "she heard the distant toll of church bells"
a percussion instrument consisting of vertical metal tubes of different lengths that are struck with a hammer
a A Cup (great for other reasons), and even though the Snakedrill content is more acerbic, Read and Burn blows that out of the water too
a Cup , fans were clamouring for a full set to be released
a cup, until it goes solo
a Cup until it is Struck and half previously unreleased material
a Cup Until it is Struck and IBTABA
a Cup Until it is Struck contains some of Wire's most startling poetic work
a hollow instrument that makes a ringing sound when it is struck
a hollow metal instrument designed to generate a musical tone when struck
a hollow metal instrument that emits a metallic tone when struck
a simple sound -making machine, a metallic drum which resonates upon being struck by a clapper
A thin walled bowl with a straight handle in the middle of the bottom and a loop inside for hanging a clapper to make noise when swung so the clapper strikes the bowl. Lead glass would have the best tone. Fragile MILLER p.297 2003-06-29
Each of the 'cups' of a diabolo is known as a bell.
A bell is a simple sound-making device. The bell is a percussion instrument and an idiophone. Its form is usually an open-ended hollow drum which resonates upon being struck.