Relationship between the embroidery machine's hook and needle. To form a stitch, the hook and the loop formed by the top thread must meet at a precise moment or else improper stitch formations, thread breakage, skipped stitches, or broken needles could result.
The art of deciding upon the exact moment to buy or to sell.
see ignition timing or valve timing toe-in top dead center torque converter torque plate torque steer torque strut torque wrench
Timing refers to the crankshaft angles at which the valves open and close and at which time the ignition system fires the spark plugs.
Scheduling of events related to an engine's operating cycle, such as the the firing of the mixture by spark, or opening and closing of valves.
One of the essential factors in a internal combustion engine (Fuel, Air, Proper proportion of mixture, compression, Timing, spark). When the piston is in the compression stroke, both valves must be closed. If one or more is open, the valve timing is out. Perhaps a timing belt or timing chain has jumped a tooth. If the spark does not arrive at the correct moment, the engine is out of time. If this ignition timing is only slightly off, the engine may run with less efficiency. Timing in modern F1 engines is taken care of by the ECU (engine control unit) which is a digital device monitoring the engine and keeping it adjusted to the correct settings.
Regulation of the spark so that the air-fuel mixture is ignited at the right time.
1. The combustion spark delivery in relation to the piston position 2. The procedure of marking the appropriate teeth of a gear set prior to installation and placement in proper mesh 3. The time relationship between reference clock signals in a computer and other control signals, e.g. other inputs or outputs that control the action or response of a circuit.
Selection, or the ability to select for maximum effect, of the precise moment for beginning or doing something. Observation and record ing (as by a stopwatch) of the elapsed time of an act, action, or process. [D03361] Webster
the moment suitable for launching an offence to immediately exploit an action of the opponent.
Measurement of the moment at which valves open or close, or when the spark occurs. It is normally expressed in degrees or millimetres before t.d.c. (see ignition timing and port timing).
The capability of the valves, ignition system, and other enginedriven parts of the car to work together for maximum efficiency. Timing is checked as part of the basic tune-up because, if the timing is off, the car can't perform well, just as all the pieces in an orchestra must not only be in tune but must play together to achieve a good performance. Timing is regulated by checking it with a timing light and then adjusting the distributor or the timing chain.
The process of determining the precise optimum moment to buy or sell.